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© Copyright belongs to Samrat Bose

Urban Perspective



© Copyright belongs to Samrat Bose

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Thank you for your constructive comments, especially with regard to the

composition and how else such shots may be composed. Please view the

image enlarged.

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Very impressive capture with your Panasonic and a terrific B&W conversion. I want to tilt the shot just a little bit - down on the lower left corner - a very little bit. Otherwise, I think it's perfect.

But I would have picked a different title. The composition reminds me of two gunmen in an old "Spaghetti Western." I would have picked a title along those lines. But that's personal and really, immaterial.

Nice job!

Cheers ~


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Thank you for your comment. The original photo had a couple more floors to the building and a bit more foreground. However, I thought a "panoramic" mode would suit this fine given the distance between the statues. I now wonder if I went a little towards and behind the statue on the left and zoomed in a little to shorten the distance and increase the drama between the figures.

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Does look like a face-off ala old Westerns... the placement of the street lamps is also quite fortuitous... the reflecting windows help to break up the monotony of the great space between them... nice and interesting work!

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Amazing moment to capture. The perfectness of the timing makes it look staged!!! Reminds me of Russian Roulette? This is one of my favourites now.

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