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My Family


Artist: Alex Elias;
Copyright: Copywrited;
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows;

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I wanted to have a family portrait with a different flavor and I remember seeing a picture like this a while back last week I decided to give this a try and here it is... Meet me and my family.

Not to involved but if anyone cares to know a bit more about it here is a link of the lighting and set up I used for this shot.


Thanks for watching and for your thoughts.


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Guest Guest


You have a beautiful family ( touch wood ), I pray for you and your family to have a very happy and peaceful life.

The image my friend technically is set to the optimum level of accelance, specially with the lighting values, details and the originality of the colors, the expressions on all of the family members are adding a very pleasant atmosphere to this remarkable work, enhancing the composition and well connecting with the viewers.

Thank you my friend for sharing it and wishing you all of the best.

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Guess Rashed made a good summary of the essentials. Very well thought through  concept and realization. Compliments Alex and all the best to all of you!

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Esta te quedo de maravilla, muy creativa y muy buena composicion, Rashed dijo todo lo otro. Tengo la 40D y la 5D (me la vendio, que amigo es ese verdad) ha! de mi amigo fotografo Jose Garcia, si no as vistos sus trenes llegate aqui en PN a su pajina es un creador muy parecido a ti! Por seguro que voy a tratar esta pose con mis tres nietos, Michael 11, Daniel 9 y Alexa 5.

Cada dia aparecen nuevos restauranes Argentinos aca, la semana pasada estuvimos en la Patagonia, la comida excelente.

Si te llegas por Miami, tus hijos son mas o menos de la edad de mis nietos, y podemos cansarlos con session de fotos. No se los tuyos pero los mios me ignoran, y de ves encuando me hacen algo gracioso. Alexa es mas receptiva a posar y jugar con expressiones! Bueno, los abuelos podemos cansr con historias de los nietos! Un par de abrazos desde Miami.

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Wow! I'm impressed! This is such a warm and thoughtful compilation of your family. It speaks volumes of your care for them as you hold them very proudly in esteem. What I aslo like (testament to your technical ability) is the way you have included the hands outside the frame. Original, thoughtful and full of compassion and love, and not least executed with great expertise, suffice to say top marks from me!

Best Regards


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Thanks to every one of you. I really enjoyed doing this picture. I am pretty happy with the end result plus when friends or people a work look at it, it is a very different family portrait.

I like to try some variations withing the concept.

Once again thanks for your kind comments.



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Alex, this is a beautiful presentation of a family photo. Well crafted and thought of. Best regards!

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This is cool...I've always wanted to try this technique...I'll have to take a look at the link you posted. 

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Ésta es una excelente idea y realización!! Me encanta, muy profesional desde cualquier ángulo. Te felicito.

Fijate que tengo la cámara en nikon México para servicio y ya tiene un mes allá así que saco fotos con unas chiquitas de Lumix y coolpix.

Es posible que viaje para California en Julio a visitar a mi hermano.


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J Kilgo: Thanks for the comment, after you go to the link let me know if you have any questions. I hope it helps you.

Alberto: Gracias y no dejes de hablarme si venis a California nos juntamos para quemar algunos pixels y comer un buen asado.


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Truly amazing composition. Simplicity at its best. Lovely editing and the presentation. Like it very much.
All the best to you. Warm Regards.

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Great concept and great execution Alex (and of course great family).  i love the fact that all the characters in your family have a distinct and lively expression in this shot.  It all looks very spontaneous which of course is not an easy thing to achieve.  I read your explanation in the link you provided and it is really well conceived, i may have to give this a shot sometime. Nicely done.  Regards always - michel

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Wonderful creation - done with love and affection. I particularly like the hands sticking outside of the white frame and your wife is looking up at you!

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Original Family portrait.  A fine Joy and details, hand especially are a very nice and delicate execution. Frame included ;-))

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I think you did a great job on this one Alex. Original and unique, besides delightful. Very well presented as well. You have a lovely family....(tops !)best regards, GAil

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Alex, an original take and a very nice photo indeed. Very nicely and professionally presented. I too like the hands on the frame, as well as your wife's upward gaze towards you. There is lots of fun movement in the overall frame. (Your daughter's candid laugher is charming and very cute :-)  Best regards to you and your family, Marjolein

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Guest Guest


Splendid !

Big applause !

Long Live Them and You !

Thanks for sharing Alex !


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