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HIgh Land Dew


Software: Adobe Photoshop 7.0;

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By now, you must be tired of scrolling down to read all these responses.  Then again, they are a testament to you and your incredible photographic ability.

I tend to agree with Margo's suggestion.  Here's another version with a tighter crop on the left side and a slight boost in contrast and saturation.  It's just an option to think about.  Your original is spectacular as is.  Talk about peaceful, restful quietude!

My best,


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Many thanks for your supportive comments, as always I appreciate your expert opinion.

Best Regards



I never get tired of feedback, be it bad or good, it's what drives me to do better and the response to this image has been fantastic. I'm very pleased you have put forward your option too. I think the saturation to the water and vegetation is quite effective, though the sky remains much the same, and yeah I think the tighter crop works well too.  Sincere thanks for your feedback, very much appreciated!

Best Regards



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Alf - I continue to enjoy your themed approach. This addition is beautiful anddramatic, with the slow flowing water the clouds and the still stoic mountain. Great work! - Sekhar

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Many Thanks for your visit, and encouraging words, very much appreciated! Scotland is a rare jewel, even in it's most damp and dismal weather it remains defiantly regal in it's majestic landscapes.

Best Regards


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Tremendously beautiful foreground interest and the foggy atmosphere make this landscape very stunning. Considering all other suggestions/recommendations mentioned, this is an outstanding photo. Regards, Alf

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Hi Alf:

Wow great comments on you photo and tons of great ideas. I really can not add much. Although I agree with croping off from the left a bit. I really enjoy the mood you have created with this image great work! 



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You shared a unique capture with great use of shutter priority,also!!


I missed you so much,too.


Best regards(Bobby).

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Many thanks for your interest and positive feedback, very much appreciated! This image has attracted quite a lot of feedback for which I'm very grateful. I might have yet another go at processing this one, and take some of the suggestions on board.

Best Regards



Sincere thanks for sharing your thoughts and suggestions, very much appreciated. The crop suggestion is one that I may take on board when I get round to processing this again, (time is such a constraint on creativity) I'm very pleased you enjoyed it Jill.

Best Regards



Good to see you back, and many thanks for your interest and kind words, much appreciated!

Best Wishes





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Wonderful shot, Alf...beutiful colors...very nicely composed...lovely tonality...my best

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hey bud.................. inexperienced as I am.......and knowing how difficult, disappointing in the rain, and freak'in damp it must have been out there.......gottta tell you 'BRAVEHEART', I love the shot and I'm NOT going to try and 'fiddle' with what is YOURS ! (That doesn't sound quite right, but I doubt you were wearing a KILT at the time anyways!!!) You were the one in the middle of the rushing water, and trying your best to enjoy a 'rainy' holiday in my 'half motherland'. I think you managed to get some beautiful images despite the conditions.

It's a beautiful compositon. You're a good man Alf, even if you like to invent names for my 'ants'.  Kind and Merciful Regards to you, Gail

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Sincere Thanks for your kind words. You have great character, despite everything you have suffered, your humour comes shining through, and you still have the ability to make me laugh also. The mental images of me in a kilt  noooo don't even go there lol. As for the rain in your ancesters homeland............well lets put it this way......somewhere so beautiful doesn't become less so because of its temperature of relative state of dampness, least not for me.......it's beauty is transient......it doesn't go away, it just changes. Give my regards to "Joe & Co"

Warm Regards


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A wonderfull image & you could not find a better day to capture this scene.The inclement weather creates a feeling of isolation & remoteness to the image.I can image myself standing where you were & enjoying the quietness,the only sound the flowing stream tumbling ove the rocks.. The technical details are of no interest to me, my interest is the visual pleasure of viewing your fine image.Taken on a bright sunny day this would just be another pretty image.,but your image captures a great slice of nature when most people would rather be indoors.. Best Regards-Ross
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I'm really pleased you like this one. You have summed up admirabley my sentiments entirely regarding this image and indeed Scotland altogether. Even in the wet drizzling rain, the beauty of the surroundings could not be dampened, and while I was there, there was no where else on earth I would rather have been. I will be going back later this year, hopefully for a bit longer this time, it really is an incredible place. Many thanks for your interest and positive feedback Ross, much appreciated.

Best Regards


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Many thanks for your interest and kind words, much appreciated!




Many Thanks, I've really pleased you liked it.

Best Regards


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Sincere Thanks for your interest and thoughtful feedback.

It has been a while since I visited this area of the UK and looking back at this photo makes me realise just how much I miss it.

Best Regards




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Hi Alf- There is nothing I could say that hasn't been said over & over.To me, it's a visual pleasure to sit a feel the remoteness & isolation & quieteness, the only sound the faint flow of water over the rocks & the feeling of being one of the few to ever visit this isolated spot.You must feel a great feeling of satisfaction in creating a stunning image like this one.There is one thing that always puzzles me, that is how one item can change the feeling towards the image.When I covered the small tree I felt differently towards the image.Have been sitting here trying to figure out why & I haven't the slightest idea.. Best Regards_Ross
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It is always a great pleasure to hear from you and read your considered opinions. Thank You!

It is a very interesting observation you make about eliminating the tree from the scene and the subsequent change in mood that this brings, it feels almost barren without the tree, and somehow less comforting.


Best Regards to you Ross




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