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Vapec, Slovakia

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Ahoj Lukas, I think it is very good as always... Great light and the hoarfrost on the trees adds much, as does the diagonal. I am only partly digital, so I do not shoot panos often, did you bracket for focus here for back-to-front sharpness ?

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What I can say is only that is a really pleasure to see this excellent image.Way you composed this and exposure control makes from this an eyes catching panorama,pleasantly warm tone color,larger view is  so good in details,compliments and seven.


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Peter, dikes :-) No, I never do sharpness bracketing. I've tried, but it never worked well for me. Besides that, f8 - 11 is sharp enough for almost kind of scene.


Thank you all for stopping by and leaving comments.

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A pretty amazing location and scene. The only suggestion I can make is improving the lower right hand corner which on my monitor there is a complete loss of highlight info and i find that distracting. The blue area of the sky at the top right is a bit dark and unbalancing. Still a very good image.

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Thanks for the tips on pan and about a 'pano' head. I will certainly keep that in mind. I thought about whether I should continue the dialogue or not because we have two diametrically opposed views on whether this image has some blown highlights.  I wondered whether there is a scientific factor that may be causing us to have different opinions - our monitors, the way photo.net displays the image, etc.

I still think you have blown highlights in some sections of the snow. When that occupies a very small area, it does not affect the aesthetic value the way i see it. When it is much larger, my eyes keep getting drawn to that spot at the expense of the rest of the image.

Here are reasons why i think that there are blown highlights even with the link you sent me and i might be totally flawed but I don't think so:

1. A histogram of the link you sent shows a very heavy loading of light values on the right side suggesting overexposure and possibly blown highlights

2. an attempt to darken with photoshop tools showed very light areas even when adjusting to the max.

3. No amount of darkening would show the granular nature of the snow.

4. Living in an area where there is snow on the ground almost half of the year I take lots of winter images and I start to get a feel for highlights that may be lost just by looking at an image. As part of my work flow in the field, i check Nikon's flashing lights which would suggest that i have blown highlights, if any. I then check my histogram on the camera to see how the values are spread and make adjustments if any.

5. In the role of a client, my boss once told me that "perception is reality" no matter what tools you or I have.

After all of that I still think it is a very good image but would take off something when considering what to rate it.

All the very best and keep up the very good work,

PS I will be making you a person of interest



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Hello Tony,

I must 100% agree with the last point you made "In the role of a client, my boss once told me that "perception is reality" no matter what tools you or I have". I just don't find that area distracting. If I did, I wouldn't have made it this way(original RAW has the information you're looking for). If you do and you feel like it's a flaw which brings quality (motive, light, composition, exposure, colors, stitching) of this image down, feel free to deduct as many points as you wish.

Thanks for adding me to the list. Take care, Lukas

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Beautiful scenery and definitely looking great when viewed larger. Great lighting and perfectly sharp. I like the diagonal making a nice POV. I don't see any flaws as indicated above. For me its an excellent work Lukas!

Best Regards


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