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Portrait of Friends


Photographs by Nicolas Ray

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My friend and his son both wanted me to do a portrait. I shot the

background a few days earlier at Waveny Park, New Canaan, CT

Then took several shots of my friends. After many hours playing

around with Photoshop, the result is a fresh, interesting portrait. Let

me know your thoughts. Would like to know if this style

works...Thank You

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Great double portrait - great concept and carry through with just the right amount of each subject in the image - I love the fact the boy has to stretch up to make it into the photo - such a long way to go to reach the maturity and stature of the elder. The surreal setting of the background adds to the drama between the two generations pictured. I wonder what another version would look like lightened up some - a little on the faces and to add more pop to the background? Either way, you really did a great job thinking about how to present them, and a great job in the presentation. I have always admired people with that talent -


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Thank you both for your comments. Very rewarding to get some constructive
criticism. I was shooting for a surreal feel. The landscape image was pretty
much not manipulated. The portrait was taken indoors in a make shift studio.
Using 5000k lighting, which is equal to outdoor, 12 noon, sunny day. The only flaw in the photograph was shadows. Really the subjects faces should have been cast in shadow. Instead, I added more light. This image is a bit soft, but the original is super crisp and saturated with color. Never thought I would be working on portraits, but have done many in collage style. Mixing several images together. Friends and clients seem to respond as well as you. Thank You and take lots of photographs this weekend.

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