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Sunday service

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I like this composition. Very balanced without becoming dull.


The message is one that gives room for heated debate into which I "never" enter on the internet.



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Nice shot Donna. Reminds me of the '60s anti abortion rallies..however he's alone in his protest!  Sign of modern times and women's right to choose? Profound.

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I think its an excellent street image with a very good subject. Obvious emotional strings are attached to this which I too will not address, but from a photographic POV I like the image. Good work, take care.



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I like this very much. The fact that he's alone adds so much weight to the image, so much more than a crowd of angry demonstrators, the little details are nice too, the fact he's brought a bag (possibly with his lunch in, he's there for the long haul) and that at first glance you think at first he has downcast eyes, untill you see the paper he's reading. Powerful and controversial subject matter, you are to be applauded for posting it, no matter what opinions are held about it on a personal level.

Well done Donna!



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this picture is intended as an objective document which i promise is free of any ideological position on my part.... my friends.. Pierre, Matthijs, Ruud, Cat, Holger, Alf are all to be applauded for appreciating its value as an artistic observation; your support means a lot to me with this shot, and speaks volumes to PN's ideal of artists speaking constructively, objectively, and respectfully to each other about the effectiveness a work of art can have on the masses of viewers outside the artistic community ;-} dp

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A photo with impact, Donna -- I too like the way you photographed him appearing so solitary with his message. I wonder what this would look like with slightly more space on the RHS of the photo.... ( composition-wise ..) Not really sure though, as the way the photo appears to be divided up in 3 sections -- 2 squares & a (larger) rectangle at the bottom -- creates somewhat of an unusual effect, imo.... In any event: = a personal choice, either way -- Something startling in his demeanor at first glance, until it dawned on me that he appears to be reading... (& clasping the rosary at the same time...)

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i'm always serious about your analytics, Marjolein, and edified when something i do stimulates your solid aesthetics.

in this image, my intent was to create a lot of space to capture his solitude, but you know me and how i tend to (how i need to) compose experimentally, like choosing free verse in poetry; i did, however, want to show that he was perched at the curb of an avenue. it is a wonderful irony though that you the classicist are and always have been my all time favorite photographer. as for the book and the rosary, since i created so much space for his solitude, the viewer must look closely at the protester to notice the "book" and rosary that inspired the title, because it created the impression for me that he was at church. grazie you attention, Mar. ;-} dp

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