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Always In My Heart Mom - (view larger)

Img_0453 - Rebel Canon Rebel T1i - Canon EF 100mm F2.8 Macro USM

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Sharing your experiences truly helps me.....you always know others have gone through this, but when someone tells you, you can 'connect' with those feeling much better, thankyou for your thoughtfulness, GAil

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Gail:  I know you are going through a very difficult time. When my Mother was near the end of her life someone said to me.  "Life seems difficult right now, but what is important is remembering the good times with your loved one."  I never have forgotten that message.  Now when I think her I always smile inside and remember how luck I was to be raised by her.  Tom

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Based on our correspondence, you know that I am there for you at this difficult time.  You should print this beautiful image.

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All your last floral images are very artistic Gail...

Wonderful rich pink tones in this one and excellent original framing...

Very touching dedication.....

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It sounds like you are having some real quality time with your mom and a lot of people don't get to do that, so some positive is coming out of this experience.  So sorry to hear this is happening; it's a hard part of life, that's for sure. 

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so sad to hear the news. nothing can comfort such a loss, maybe only time.

warm regards, and a big hug.

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My best thoughts to you and hope to be strong with this life moment,to have light in your soul forever.

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I'm really sorry for you and your family and I know very well your feeling becuase I also have lost my dear father few years ago and went through all this but this is the reality and we have to accept it. 

People fear death even more than pain. It's strange that they fear death. Life  hurts a lot more than death. At the point of death, pain is over and it is dying that we are born to eternal life.

 Please accept my most hearthfelt sympathy for loss of your mother.

My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.


Sincerelly yours

Sadegh Miri

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Mom miraculously still hangs on, amazes me how the human body can exist in a 'state of illness' and exist mostly on water; she continues to deteriorate, yet last nite she was very bright and we watched the Baseball game together (Jays and Minnesota), and talked...very coherent....she was a bit shakey. I understand what you are saying...even still we are making memories and remembering those 'gone by'. Although very difficult time, still is important and necessary part of the journey.  Many thanks for your concern and for sharing your experience with your Mother with me.  Talk again soon, Gail

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A beautiful image to try to say what you feel but not quite enough,

like a life well lived, but not quite enough.

As life passes place from mother to daughter the circle completes,

yet does not end, but simply continues on... 


Your mother will live on in you.  She must be happy knowing that.  She could not hope for a better daughter.

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Thankyou so much for those wise and kind words.  I couldn't agree more. Often I think it is because we have such 'finite minds', that even though 'we believe'....there is still a bit of a 'fear of the unknown' . At least on my Mother's part.  During this process I can see her realizing she is dying, clinging memories, as if desperately trying to be sure to 'remember'.  She is comforted she says by having her family, even if her eyes are closed, just to hear our voices.  She is being so 'brave' for us....cracking jokes when she can, especially for my Dad.  It must be difficult still, being the one who is 'dying'.  We only know 'this earth', even if reassured of eternal life, it is still an unknown, we must just accept it by FAITH, and know we will be free of this world's worries and pains.

My appreciation for your concern, for I know it is genuinely expressed....talk soon,Gail

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A very beautiful image, Gail... and a very beautiful poem by Dave. At the end of the day, all we have is ourselves, and sometimes, not even that.

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Yes, Dave's words were truly touching...I also find your compassion just as touching, my thanks for your concer, *warmest regards, Gail

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Dear Gail, it is the letting go of love ones that it is so hard. Actually death is well known by our brains to be natural. We are afraid to let go and to realize of our own death, which  is so terminal. we are alone even when we are open and caring and are able to bring many friend to our side, we are alone and die alone. Then we encounter many friends and relatieves, here and there, we are never alone if we are open and attract other by being giving and loving how you are Gail! Be aware that all happens in divene perfection!   You will always have your mother close to you! The highest good to your mother.... Love and Light to all involved! And peace and joy to you.  Warm regrads from Miami.  Jorge.

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This is an undeniable part of our life. Love is the strength of your soul and I sincerely believe that you can accept the challenge of reality gracefully. As a friend, I always want to share your emotions in your hard days. All my bests for you and your family….

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Thankyou for your very kind and thoughtful words.  It touches me very much that you took the time to write and share your thoughts with me.  I know this is part of life I have to 'travel' through.  Although I do not wat to see my Mother leave this Earth, for I love her so, and shall miss her company tremendously, I cannot stand to see her suffer the way she is at this time. It was almost unbearable Friday evening.  I may get called back to the hospital even yet.  I would have stayed but my husband has to go to work early in the morning, and he would not get any rest with the 'puppy' at this time.  His boss had a 'quadruple heart bypass' recently and cannot help him do the work, so it is up to Jim to get it done.  Timing is not the best right now, but we will get through it all.  Thankyou once again jorge....you have been a very good friend, most sincerely, Gail

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I know my faith will get me through this time, no matter how difficult.  I cannot stand to see my Mother suffer any longer, it does not seem fair, it is almost unbearable to watch and I feel so helpless....but I do what I can to make her feel comfortable. I pray for her sake she is relieved of this earthly body, for there is little left of it.  Thankyou for your kind words of advice, Most sincerely, and with much gratitude, Gail

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