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© C. Ranke, 2011

Mariazell, February 2011


Two exposures stitched for a square, each from a bracket exposure series of five shots. Registration and B&W with Photomatix and CS3


© C. Ranke, 2011

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The geometric lines formed by the seed drill are really prominant and outstanding, making the resulting patterns a key element to this image, and neatly accentuated by the upright pines and light streaked sky. I can'tt think of any way this could be improved.




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This is quite an interesting photograph, Carsten.  At first I thought it was a lengthy exposure during a full moon at night, but then realized that it is just a truly superb exposure and some wonderful lighting conditions.  The entire image just has a silver luminosity to it.  Excellent details in the shadow regions, and the wispy streaming clouds are quite complimentary to the furrows in the field.  Lovely composition, Carsten, and terrific processing.  Cheers!  Chris

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Perfect! The ground cross lines seems reflecting in the windy lines of sky!

Great greys tones and resolution for the wood! Bravo! Ciao Sergio

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Great light, great lines and great B&W work. It has a slight surreal looks, as if aliens were about to land here. Very well done!



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die Linien auf dem Feld spiegeln sich in den Wolken. Magisch zieht es den Blick in den dunklen Eingang rechts im Wald: was versteckt sich wohl dort?

Starkes Bild, das Emotionen weckt...Tamarah

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Superb shot! Did u use a polarizer filter to augment the sky and to accentuate the field lines or was it all postproduction?
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Thank you all for stopping by !

Lev, it was a bracket exposure series, 5 shots for each of both parts of this square stitch. This was to compensate dynamic range by later merging in PP. Our eyes do this blending automatically. I tried to show what I visualized that moment

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I find something special in the atmosphere of the shot, probably emanating from the light on (lightness of) the field - is this hoarfrost or result of BW conversion ? A difficult lighting situation, you made the most of your approach, I assume this was a lot of work. Maybe this is a thin cloud approaching, but the area around the trees looks a bit like a slight halo. Is there a way to avoid this when blending ?

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Gunnar, Peter, and Robert - thank you very much.

Peter, it was not so much works as it sounds. You are right with the grass, looks like hoarfrost. But it was only an anemic yellow-green and the B&W conversion. The halos are barely visible, it is ok for my taste - you have a good eye :-)

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The first thing that caught my eye was some  similarity of form between the trees and fields ( when the photo is enlarged , but of course of a different scale)It is an unusual blend. There is a  nice balance of compositional lines between the sky and diagonal lines in the field ( the lines direction to the LHS).

 BTW, I did not see the halos that were mentioned , on my screen....Very interesting result.

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I'm late unfortunately so all I can do is add is that this really works for me, a beautiful scene, well presented.

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Chris & Sergio beat me to the punch with their observations on the echoing of the patterns in the field and the sky.  The brighter clouds also echo the lighter patch on the middle ground.  How many of us would pass this scene by while looking for something to photograph?  Hopefully not many!  Understanding the steps you had to produce this image shows me your vision and level of expertise are much deeper than mine.  This one should provide inspiration to many.  Best, LM.

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Lines and magic. A lot going on here and I don't want to analyse, just enjoy. It actually reminds me of a place I went to in Germany - green field joining a pine forest.

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This is an extraordinary composition. Your trial to reflect what human eyes actually see / bring out the dynamic range was highly successful. Careful and very effective PP work.

BR / Volker

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The lines and the light on the ground have a major appeal to me - simply delicious. The rest of the image are supporting actors and they do a fine job. I like the fact that the sky is 'simple' and does not compete for one's attention. I can't see how this could be improved and i know you are not into rating but this would get a top mark from me if that is not already obvious in what I have already said.

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Now those are leading lines Carsten! Superb lighting, and brilliant composition.

All the best,

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You have a great eye to see this one and you have captured all the strong verticals very well. I love how the lines in the field lead to the vertical lines of the trees and up into the lines of the clouds. There is a lot of energy in this one. Great work! Thank you for sharing. :)

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The patterns, texture and light on the grass is spell bounding. I did a virtual crop leaving the grass and half of the conifers.

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