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Make: Canon;
Software: Digital Photo Professional;

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the photos in this folder are my first attempt at shooting in raw and

applying pp using the software that came with my canon..i also just

bought my first tripod so this kind of represents a new start in how i

take my photos. I have yet to invest in a color calibration system for

my screens so i have no idea how these turn out on your monitor...any

feedback is greatly appreciated..thanks for viewing!

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Congrats on two very positive steps in the right direction towards better photography.

I think you'll get varying comments/opinions on this photo regarding the darkness of the shadow on the rock (at the bottom and on the right).  While I think you might have been a bit heavy-handed in your processing (I would fully expect to see more detail in these areas), at the same time it has helped to create a mood that communicates your impression of this area to viewers, and that's an important aspect of photography.  I think it's best done when the conditions are encountered naturally, but digital processing is a viable route for many photographers and viewers.  Overall, I think you've done a good job, especially for one of your first attempts.

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I would echo Stephen in his congratulations towards the positive steps you have made. Very well done!

A next step might be to consider the use of a graduated filter, this will help you enormously when trying to balance light in a very contrasting situation like this, and would reveal a lot more in terms of foreground detail.

Nice cloud definition and sense of movement in the water.

Best Regards


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Nicely done and it is all about the learning. I agree with Stephen and Alf on every point. Definitely invest in the grad filters...they are worth it!

Best regards, Pamela

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Thank you all for your comments and feedback..much appreciated. I forgot to mention that I was also using an ND filter with this image but I think I may have needed something a little darker than a 2 stop. On that point, in situations this like this where the horizon doesnt extend the full width of the picture how do I stop down the sky without also darkening either the detail on the cliff to the top right, or, if I angle the filter, darken the image to much to the opposite on the left hand side?

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There is not an easy way to use a GND filter on this image.  Digital techniques will work better because you have more control as to where the effect will be applied.

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