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Walk-Through (2)


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Three walkers with very different moods and perceived destinations.  This one tells of the daily grind and the routine trudge to another days graft.

Nicely portrayed EL

Best Regards


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Un'immagine in differenti piani che integrano l'uomo, l'ambiente e le costruzioni. Il tutto in una composizione egregiamente riuscita!

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Your title and the prominence of the walking man initially caught my attention, but I quickly moved on to the tower which is in sharp focus.  What is this tower, it appears to be on the edge of a community, is it for bird watching?  This man does not seem interested in his surroundings, is he walking through a nature reserve without paying homage to the beauty around him?

What an advantage you have, you know this location and my interpretation may be right off the scales.  But of course that doesn't really matter, what I see is what I see!


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Thank you for coming by and for letting me know your thoughts on this one. it's greatly appreciated - thank you very much indeed.

To Jim...............thank you for digging into this one – and right you are: it is taken outside a small community called Comana  which is a mixture of cultural and natural heritage sites.. and indeed, this is a birdwatch tower belonging to the  Comana Natural Park  boasting a large number of species of plants and animals protected by international law on some  25 thousand hectares. Specialists say that this Delta near Bucharest ranks second in Romania in terms of biodiversity, after the Danube Delta Reserve.

 Not very attractive off season  but I came here  for some  authentic ‘grey shots on a grey day’ :) 

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Estupenda composición e interesante desenfoque en primer plano, destacando la torre de observación como punto de interés. 

Un abrazo -Tolo.

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Dear El.

Walk through mini series is great attempt to discover new dimensions. Leaving night urban shots and get here is fantastic IMO. From all three photos this one really attracted my attention. It has something THE (but I can't explain, it's beyond myself at the moment).

As usual your B/W really works. Congrats for all three photos, VS

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Exciting play of focus and defocus giving a scene necessary dynamic. Very strong photo without any doubt. Congrats, El!

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