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© Copyright Pamela Franklin




© Copyright Pamela Franklin

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Beautiful shot Pamela,i like the composition,the soft colours are excellent against the neutral background,very nice work,my best regards

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A simple elegance, subtle colour and soft light combine to make a very aesthetically pleasing image. I particularly like the tiny beads of dew / moisture and that you've used the full frame to balance the image.

Very well done Pamela.

Warm Regards


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By all means this is a very beautiful floral work, well lit and of very fine details and pleasant colors.

Thank you for sharing it and wishing you all of the best.

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Very good for all the reasons stated.  Simple and elegant.  I like the texture of the background too.  It almost looks like it's raining.  Best Regards.

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Hola Pamela.

Una imagen preciosa y delicada, me recuerda un hermoso flamenco en vuelo hacia el infinito. Te felicito.

Un cordial saludo, Joaquín.

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The lines in this image a very beautiful, there is an elegance in a simple uncluttered composition, communication between the photographer and the viewer is so very clear.  I just wish this were a May tulip.


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Simplicity makes for a lovely photo here Pamela.  Tuilips are such a lovely sight especially when the weather is cold. One as beautiful as this is so cheerful. Thankyou for sharing,Gail

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Anand,  Thank you for taking the time to leave your comment, it is most appreciated!

Warm regards, Pamela


Patsy,  It is always a pleasure to hear from you, Thank you very much.

Warm regards, Pamela


Kallol,  Thank you, I am happy that you like this and hopefully it makes you feel like spring is near!

Warm regards, Pamela


Harry,  Happy that you liked this, it is always a pleasure to have you leave a comment on my work...hope you are well  ;)

Warmest regards, Pamela


Tony,  A pleasure to hear from you, glad that you like this one   ;)

Warmest regards, Pamela

Thank you all very much....Pamela

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Alf,  Thank you, I am so happy that you like this. I have a forced pot of tulips on my patio and they are just beautiful! I am suffering from spring fever pretty bad and can't wait for the weather to change! I hope you are well

Warmest regards, Pamela


Rashed,  Always a pleasure to hear from you, it makes me happy that you like this.

Warm regards, Pamela


Grigoriy,  Thank you for leaving your comment, I am always happy to hear from you, hope all is well

Warmest regards, Pamela


Lester,  Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment, always a pleasure to hear from you.

Warm regards, Pamela


Jerry,  I appreciate that you stopped by, it is always a pleasure to hear from you and yes it was raining in the bg...I am in Seattle where it rains most of the time  ;)

Warm regards, Pamela


Joaquin,  Thank you, I am happy that you like this.

Warm regards, Pamela


Thank you all so much....Pamela

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Jim,  I think you you express my feelings the best. I really do communicate with these flowers when I shoot them and I truly believe that they respond to me  ;) I appreciate that you stopped by and I am happy that you like this.

Warmest regards, Pamela


Sumon,  Thank you so much, I appreciate that you left your comment. I hope you are well.

Warmest regards, Pamela


Sarah,  Thank you for the lovely comment...your work is certainly an inspiration to me and I always appreciate it when you stop by.

Warmest regards, Pamela


Dror,  I just smiled when I read your words...had not really thought of this in that way....gives it a little more life when one puts your words to it  ;) I appreciate that you like this and I hope you are well...is there snow in your area??

Warmest regards, Pamela


Gail,  Thank you, I am happy that you found this a little cheerful  ;)  I have a forced pot of tulips on my patio and they help me feel better about the grey days too! Hope you are well

warmest regards, Pamela


Thank you all for the comments....Pamela

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yes indeed! on friday morning we woke up to SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS wrapped in a blanket of the white powder. this was the first time that our husky played in snow...it was fun while it lasted....(not long)

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Pamela, wonderfully elegant curves of the stem and leaves against the sophisticated pearly gray background. Beautiful.

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