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© © David J. McCracken




© © David J. McCracken

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Nude and Erotic

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With everyone reflecting on the highlights of the year, I thoughtI would select the highlights of a photograph.




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But... Methinks you've got it backwards...

Should not the 'highlights' be brighter than the background...?

Still a Great Idea in any case! ;-))

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Dave, I did consider using a black background. Personally I think white in all areas where the model isn't featured would have been better. However, I do appreciate your time and effort. Thanks.

Karolos, I thought it was a little different but it seems only you and Dave think so. Thanks a lot.

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Very clever, David! I suspect you made this for fun but find the comentary of those "bits" you've included interesting. I feel that you highlighted those body parts many are looking for while going through photographs here. The shape of the stick figure is well chosen as is the white background.

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Michael, Thanks.

Mark, Perhaps not too clever but it is kind of you to say so. I am not sure what the reference to 'stick' is about. Certainly the model is no stick. Anyway! Thanks for stopping by. Your comments are very much appreciated.

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I think you might guess that I would love this. I love the concept as well as the execution. This is the kind of image that keeps me interested in the whole medium.

Have a great New Year my dear friend and keep making images like this.

-Cheers mate


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