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Marjolein...  A contemporary view presented very subtly with excellent b/w tones.  A double entendre of title and image ;-)... Mike

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une grande intensitè d'expression, une photo moderne mais avec quelque chose d'ancienne. la lumiere, peut etre, tres belle, la meme des certaines tableaux de rembrandt

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Admirable portrait shot of this young lady. She seems so intent on what she is doing I doubt as to wether she noticed you with the camera. The b/w sets the mood lovely here with just the correct amount of lighting....Bravo!

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a perfect contemporary composition for our times; it's good for them, Mar, for both the socializing and the focus of their minds. you've done the lighting on the face, hand, and puter (the essential tools of the surfer) perfectly. dear Andrea, true to notice that Rembrant was a master of lighting the face within the darker picture, and you've also done similarly with your achievement here, Mar. i see it. also, it should be remembered as a classic document. (btw, she looks very clever) ;-} dp

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The key note of this composition is the light-management. Wonderful exposure. A skillful composition of attractive tonality. It's an impressive personality study. Best regards.

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Well done, the lighting is perfect to show us the girls features, she is quite absorbed in her activity  ;)

Best regards, Pamela

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Very Karsh like, though he would have had another light on the floor behind your subject illuminating the walls and furniture and thus providing some separation between that element and your subject.  Not to worry, this is a very nice portrait in any case.  A keeper for sure.  I also like the short lighting pattern and the requisite triangle of light on her left cheek.   B&W is my favourite media for people photos, especially portraits, so you've met my basic criteria in that department.  You could chop a tad off the bottom (immediately below the keyboard) and still have an excellent result.  There doesn't appear to be any material essential to the portrait located there.  It may even help keep the viewer's attention from wandering from her face, the most important element here.  Bottom line:  an inspiring photograph.  Best, LM.

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I like the pensive look, the lighting, and the title.  It's a beautiful portrait.  If I might add a couple suggestions, though.  There is a shadow on the back wall that looks like it was created by flash, including a bit of a halo over the arm.  I wish the hair was a little more separated from the dark clothing.   I can't be all cheerleader, all the time. 

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It is a beautiful portrait, the light on her face and R hand on the book is the main attraction that shows how pensive she is ( and very good looking too) I would have liked a bit more of her L hand (with the ring ) , as   I understand  this is the pose she is seating on the chair .I like the very good idea of the title ( as you know I think titles are parts of the photograph, I mean part  of the story, but also  an easy way  to find it later on ,as many "untitled" is hard to find....;-)). I like the B/W conversion ,on my monitor I don't see the halo on her hand .

As we have only 10 minutes, and you will probably not see my idea by then, I will send you an email. In the mean time I wish you and your family a happy new coming year.

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nice study, Marjolein. it is almost a classical sort of pose- the subject is there, physically, but she's obviously totally absorbed with something on the virtual plane. quite a commonplace sight these days- but photographing it makes us look twice & perhaps shows something of how our behaviour & ways of interacting have been altered by technology. best, b.

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An extraordinary portrait well composed.  Compliments!

Holidays wishes to you and your family! ~~~~~~~L 

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the only thing contemporary here is that laptop because if it weren't for that what we were left with would be a classical portrait that could just as well have been taken before the middle of the last century. I do like that classical feel that his photo conveys and which is further emphasized by the classical beauty of your model.

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 The perfect treatment of the low light Marjolein and the concentrated look of this pretty girl are IMHO the strong points of this excellent portrait.

My best season’s greetings.

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I like the emotions on the model's face, both the title and the laptop lessen the understatement here but even so the photo is still full of (unaswered) questions. Also nice study of light entices the viewer to make a longer stop here and enjoy the scene.

Best Christmas wishes for you and yours.

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Dear Mike, Bob, Andrea, Amal, Keith, Donna, Sumon, Pamela, Len, Gunnar, Mehmet, Amitai, Pnina, Billy, Linda, Ruud, Alberto, Ton, Karolos, Wieslaw, and Tanya: 

Thank you all very much for your visit, and for leaving me your interesting and insightful comments on this photo.

Unfortunately I have been without Internet access for over two weeks, and I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to respond to you all sooner.  

I took this photo about 1 month ago, with a F-stop of 2.2  & the shutter speed of 1/50 sec. (200 ISO) There was very little available daylight so I used a desk lamp, (discreetly, as I didn’t want my subject to become too aware of me taking her photo) as well as the light reflecting of the laptop. (No flash, Amitai) I agree that I probably could have cropped the photo a bit more of the bottom, Len, and Pnina, you might be right, that it might have been better with a tad more space on the R (of her left hand). However, I composed the photo as seen above, while shooting it.  

In spite of a contemporary setting (by showing the laptop), I tried to achieve an intimate feeling and a classical overall look, and I’m glad that many of you felt that it contained some of that.

Thanks again for stopping by, and I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all wonderful Holidays, and a Healthy, Happy, and a Great Photographic year 2011…!

With warm regards, Marjolein





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I hope you had a great Christmas, sorry to hear about your loss of connection to the internet, how annoying is that! It happened to me a couple of weeks ago for a day and I was totally lost, 2 weeks must have been a real pain.

I love the title of this shot and the intensity of the gaze from your subject. The light is perfect, and I like that way it reflects on her hair. The casual demeanor belies the studious gaze, almost as if she wants to appear relaxed, but has an avid interest in whats on the screen. I may be way off the mark with this of course, but my admiration of the impresssions the image conveys, is what I'm trying to express, albeit in a rather awkward manner : - )

Sincere Best Wishes for 2011


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Thanks, Alf. Yes, having no Internet connection for over two weeks was a real challenge...  Nowadays, it is virtually impossible to be without it, whether one likes it or not...  In addition, I lost many e-mails as well.  Anyway, thanks for stopping by -- glad that you liked the photo :-)  

Best wishes to you and yours, Marjolein

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Oooohhh, Rembrandt lighting from a laptop! (How's that for an anachronism?)


I love your work, as ever.



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