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Prince of The Mist


Software: Adobe Photoshop 7.0;

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Bonnie Prince Charlie stands proud and tall on the top of the column,

surveying the maginificent Loch Sheil, well as much is visible in the

mist. In the meantime my photo mates, took themselves down to the

loch side and are just visible as two tiny figures either side of the

column both using umbrellas in the drizzling rain. I climbed up the hill to

get a better view, and I'm glad I did, it didn't look quite as bad from up

here! Your thoughts and feedback are always appreciated. Thank You.

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The way you've captured this makes me feels as if I'm traveling through the picture.  The line leading out to the tower offers a nice entry into the picture and becomes the point at which I feel I am able to look out into the mist and imagine.

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best seen larger, full screen is even better... serene and beautiful... my composition would be a 16:10 crop losing a little at the bottom

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A fabulous capture of this beautiful location Alf! Too bad they stuck Price Charles up there :-( Lovely fall colors, and wonderful mood compliments of the mist.

All the best,

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I really like this and especially viewed larger. Perfect composition and nice warm colors throughout the image. The path leading to the monument surrounded by all that water in the background makes me think you got just the right POV on this. Alf, just keep em' coming. Take care.


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You used a very clever perspective using the road to lead us to the mist and encompassing the delightful landscape. 

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I recently uploaded an image that was taken in the early morning mist, but there is very little contrast and so the overall image looks a little flat.  One of the things that I immediately liked about this image was the mixed contrast, there is very strong contrast in the foreground but deeper into the photograph where the mist is quite thick there is a predominance of blue and grey and reduced contrast.  Your image holds a lot of viewer interest with the pathway acting as a leading line taking the viewer towards the column.  The island is very sharp and crisp and stands out from the muted background.  I think you communicate your feelings towards this place very well through your framing and the viewer is able to follow your thinking through your chosen composition.


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My favorite dynamic in this photo is the very "3-D" feel of it created by the rich, sharp color of the foreground which collide with the soft blue mist of the water. Love the way the water spans the breadth of the photo just above the half-way line and recedes quickly into the background with the disappearing point shrouded in mist, almost sensed more than seen. Very artistic. NIcely seen. Did you use a graduated ND filter or a variable ND filter to take this shot?


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I love the richness of the foreground in contrast with the background.  The island, the monument and the story all add to create a most interesting scene.  Have never been to this place, but would really like to visit it after seeing your photo.  Despite the weather it does have a certain tranquil quality.

Warm regards, Jim

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 Your perspective makes a beautiful shot.  Like others of stated, that road is perfect vehicle for the eye to follow and enter the scene.  I love your inclusion of a generous ledege of greenery high above, giving the viewer a comfortable place to stand and enjoy all this.  Thoughtful presentation

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Lovely atmospheric shot with the bold foreground shapes and the island in sharp contrast to the misty hills in the background.


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Don’t know how much scouting has been done for the right vantage point and composition before shooting but the final result is extraordinary. As in nearly all of your landscape shots you convey in the foreground a focal point for the eye to “rest” on - in this case the road leading to the column and the column as such – giving the viewer a way into the image as well as amplifying the sense of depth . Can’t sort out the time of the day but the weather and season reflects the spirit and the character of the area very well. Compliments Alf!

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Alf...  The hallmark of a grand landscape is the feeling of being there; and I feel like I'm just at your elbow.  Very well done... Mike

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Fantastic image Alf and well worth the climb for this view, hopefully your socks stayed dry!  ;)  There is a lot to like about this, the lead into the scene and all that is waiting as I travel through this wonderful place. Capturing a decent photo with this kind of mist and layers, then having it present as well as this one does speaks to your talent and skill as a photographer. I am happy that you let us view this in a larger size...very important to see the details and get lost as we study them! Thank you for sharing and giving us some history of the place as well...always makes it more interesting!

Warmest regards, Pamela

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Nice depth Alf  from the well written f/g up to the far misty hills.....

Also precise exposure and natural color tones.....

But the strongest point of this excellent landscape image is the wonderful misty atmosphere......

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This photograph gives life to all the mental images I've ever had of Scotland.  The foggy background is a perfect offset to the subdued, yet colorful foreground.

Well done, my friend . . .


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Hi dear Alf,

You shared a wonderful image with us!!!

Nice tones,nice view and very well title,also.

Best regards(Bobby).

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Many thanks for stopping by, I appreciate your kind words and positive feedback.

Best Regards



Thanks for sharing your thoughts Jeff, I'm really pleased I could convey the mood of the image to you.

Kind Regards



Many thanks for your interest and kind words, much appreciated.

Kind Regards



Yes very good point I forgot to mention in the introduction to view LARGER : - ) I can see your point about the suggested crop too, it does have it's merits, but I prefer to have a near focus point as well as a distance one. Sincere thanks for your imput and positive feedback Rajat.

Best Regards



Many thanks for your kind comments and positive feedback. Now if we were discussing the current Prince Charles, there are those that would say it was probably the best place for him : - )

Cheers Neil!

Best Regards



Many thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback. This is probably considered as the "classic view" of Lock Sheil, although I did climb, slip, slide and crawl my way a bit further up the hill from the viewing area, to get a clearer shot without infringement by the trees.

Cheers Holger!



Many thanks for your visit and observations, I agree the path is a vital element in the composition.

Best Regards



Many thanks for your visit, and your very astute and accurate analogy. It was quite a mixture of contrast with the foreground vegetation being so vivid and the Loch and surrounding mountains veiled in mist. I have accentuated this to some degree in Photoshop, by changing the WB for the mist to a cooler hue, from a suggestion in a previous post of the same Loch "Misty Eye" of course it can be veiwed a lot better larger but I forgot to mention this in my foreword.

Best Regards



Sincere thanks for your interest and positive feedback. I do use ND grads quite a lot, but not on this occasion, the bluesish tint of the mist comes from changing the white balance in lightroom. Something I haven't tried before, but it seemed to have the desired effect.

Cheers Sandra!



Thank you for your interest and thoughts Jim, much appreciated. I can thoroughly recommend a visit to this area, I can promise you, you really won't be dissapointed. Although the mist gives a moody presence to this image, it also hides even more dramatic landscape beyond what is visible here. I have seen photo's of this Loch when it's a clear morning and the water is calm, and I must say it looks amazing. I had hoped to catch it in similar state on my visit , but suffice to say, you have to make the most of what nature provides.

Best Regards



Many thanks for your thoughts and feedback, very much appreciated. The vegetation in this part of the world fascinated me, it almost glowed with colour, maybe it's the huge amount of rainfall, or perhaps something in the clarity of the air that gives this impression, but suffice to say it gave a great contrast to distant mist.

Warm Regards



Sincere thanks for your visit and kind words, I hope you are keeping well.  You would love it in this area John, some serious walking and climbing to be had here.

Best Regards



Many thanks for your visit and kind words. My two buddies decided to go straight to the Loch shore ( they can be seen if you view the image large, either side of the column by the shore)  I decided to get a view from a hill behind us. I climbed up a steep path, through a small waterfall, untill I reached a flat area that was pretty much the classical viewing area.  I wasn't too happy with a couple of tree's that infringed on my shot so I looked for a higher vantage point, I climbed again only this time without any path up a muddy slope, slipping and sliding but eventually finding a place level enough to place my tripod and get a couple of shots. The time as recorded was 1.53 pm

Cheers EL



Many thanks for your visit and positive feedback. You say all the best things, if I succeeded in making you feel like you were there, then it's mission accomplished!

Cheers Mike!



Thanks for your interest and kind words!




Sincere thanks for your comments and invaluable feedback. You will be pleased to know that wet socks are a thing of the past : - )  I have made a great discovery............."Neoprene Wellingtons" .....no don't laugh it's truuuue, designed primarily for fisherman but adopted by photographers with a tendency to visit wet area's! Comfortable as old slippers and totally waterproof .......brilliant........when I remember to put them on of course : - )

I'm really pleased you discovered the "larger size" I forgot to mention it in the foreword, but the sharpness and detail are all geared to that larger size. I'm very pleased you liked it Pamela.

Warmest Regards



Many thanks for your interest and kind words, I tend to agree the mist was a strong element in this shot, though I do intend to return next year and hopefully get a shot on a clear day, the comparison would be really interesting.

Best Regards



Many thanks for your interest and kind words, I'm really pleased you liked it.

Kind Regards



Sincere thanks for your very thoughtful comments, the idea that the image epitomises your idea of Scotland is a very gratifying one. Much appreciated,

Best Regards



I hope you are keeping well. Thank you for your visit and very kind words, much appreciated.

Kind Regards


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Alf, your image offers an incredible view of the expanse of this beautiful country. I love how the mountains frame the water, especially with the subtle sense of the fog and mist. I love how my eye follows the horizon out to sea. Wonderful work.
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Excellent work again,i like the FG and depth here,the diminishing visibility is the asset of this image,very enjoyable work.I was expecting your photos from Scotland after i saw Gary's.In march 2009 i met a group of photographers from Liverpool on the Keswick waterfront,were you in that group?one of them was Gary and another had a medium format film camera,try to remember.regards,Harry

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