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This was taken in January 2009, on Esthwaite Water, Lake District I

recently - re-worked the image in B & W for a competition. Your

thoughts and comments are always appreciated. Thank You.

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Lovely range of tones in this well composed B&W Alf! Love the peace, and tranquility, emanating from this fine piece! Well done mate!

All the best,

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This has a nice feel, sort of like a late 19th century Emerson photo. The tangent of the hill to the top of the frame kills an otherwise niece image. If you can, add space to the top of the photo; About 1/2 of what is at the bottom in reflection would work. 

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This is a class act rooted in the classics and i've no doubt your competitors will be hard-pressed to match the technical and lyrical standards you've achieved here. Smart to transplant the pic to B&W, else would be just another pretty postcard rather than the richer and stronger image you now show.

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Alf, subtle and delicate like an idyllic photographic pastel rich with quiet, intricately intertwining communities co-exitisting (on the surface)-- the pair of swans, the pair fishing, the network of trees, marine life, houses and space for the imagination in the landscape.  Like the gentle small ripples and lovely reflections,  this holds a feeling of peace and invites introspection  Warm regards, Donna

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Donna has expressed everything that I could not...at least in such a wonderful way.  I love this image Alf, true serenity with the technical details executed quite beautifully. The water is like glass. Beautiful work Alf.

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 Beautiful B&W photo Alf, with very nice lighting tones to add to a great image,this is a fine piece of work indeed

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Magnifica composicion. Precioso y relajante paisaje, con una estupenda atmosfera captada y unos reflejos y b&w. sensacional.

Un cordial saludo -Tolo.

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I really like the composition here! Added to the B&W with "almost" sepia tones really sets this image off! The reflections are very good with good shadows and a lot of detail throughout the image.

A little more sky might have been nice, but it's covered in the reflection very well.


Jim j.

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This is amazing!  The boat and its passengers really stands out with sharp edges and strong contrast in relation to the soft, low contrast backdrop.  This image has a lot of viewer interest.  As a framed print I believe it will attract and hold the attention of viewers as they study it for the wonderful details that it holds. 


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hi Alf.. wow. this is breath taking. like a beautiful drawing.this is one of those moments.. when nothing seen here could ever come close to being duplicated... take care samme

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Sincere thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate your opinions and imput.

Cheers Mate



Many thanks for your thoughts and kind words, any comparison with Peter Henry Emerson is praise indeed. I know exactly where your coming from with the cropping suggestion, as it would return the image to almost the original state before I cropped it this time. I did so to disclude what I precieved as a bland looking sky. On reflection I should have stuck wtih my first instinct. But all is not lost, I still have the original to make the necessary adjustments.

Best Regards



Thank you for your observations and kind words, much appreciated.

Best Regards



Thank you so much for your kind words and thoughts, much appreciated.

Kind Regards



Unfortunate.... perhaps, deliberate definately  but certainly not irreversible, but I think I've dealt with this point, answering Guy above.




Many thanks for your vote of confidence and positive feedback. I am no expert in B & W conversions, but this image seemed to produce  the desired effect.

Best Regards



Good to hear from you, thank you for your kind words and positive feedback.

Best Regards



Thank you for your interest, I'm really pleased you liked it.

Kind Regards



I really appreciate your thoughs and feedback. You have a way of bringing a photograph to life with your very elequent narrative.

Sincere Thanks



Many thanks for sharing your thoughts and kind words. I'm really pleased you like it. Sometimes I feel B & W gets overlooked, and it's really gratifying when so many people with skill and creativity like yourself take time to comment.

Cheers Gail



Sincere thanks for your kind words and positive feedback, much appreciated.

Best Regards



Many thanks for your kind words and thoughts. I used a programme called "Virtual Photographer" to convert to B & W and make some of the adjustments to contrast and shades, and I'm quite pleased with the results.

Kind Regards



You are very perceptive, the scene that greeted me that morning was a rapidly dispersing carpet of mist on the lake, that settled on the far hillside. like a slowly evaporating dream. Thank you for your interest and kind words.

Best Regards



Many thanks for your kind words and positive feedback, I really do appreciate it.

Kind Regards



Sincere thanks for taking time to share your thoughts, I really do appreciate it. I tend to agree with your comment about the sky, but it seemed like a good idea to crop it at the time : - )

Best Regards



Many thanks for your thoughts and interest, very much appreciated. The clarity of this shot is even more apparent in the full size version on my PC. The chap at the far end of the boat without the hat, I can see the expression of concentration on his face, his glasses etc etc. It's one of several I took the same morning, and they all have that same subdued light and look that I've never been able to re-produce since.

Cheers Jim



Many thanks for your thoughts and kind words, very much appreciated.

Kind Regards



Sincere thanks for your invaluable imput. "Ethereal quality" just about sums up perfectly the scene that greeted me that morning at Esthwaite Water. I love the Lake District, but I have to say........Scotland takes some beating for dramatic scenery.

Cheers Terry



Many thanks for your thoughts and very kind words. The original  colour version of this, has very pastel like tones that kind of remind me of one one of those charcoal / water colour images, so I can appreciate fully where you are coming from.

Best Regards


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Alf...  Others have been far more eloquent than I, but what impresses me is the soft, dreamy feel, but with tack sharp detail.  Just excellent... Mike

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A winning shot all the way! I usually confuse about where exactly place the horizon line in landscapes with prominent reflection feature like this; Right at the middle, f/g priority or b/g priority? Seems to be a personal choice, but i think more sky in expense of mirrored image at the bottom is the preferred decision. F/G here is rather featureless ( at least at far bottom ) and could be effectively cut in expense of more textured sky or clouds. Anyway, these are just my questions in my mind and i confronted with them in every shot of landscape reflections. This capture is top and exquisite. Bravo.


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Hi dear Alf,

I send this one to my favourites,anon.

Unique shot,view point and taken.

Take care.

Best regards(Bobby).

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A wonderful scene and an absolute winner in its beauty. Great tonal range, the boat and fisherman, the trees on the left, the birds in the water all come together to make this a beautiful image. And let  us not forget the talented photographer.  I remember very well the color version which was also excellent. I do remember downloading it and making a mod and then deciding that I could not add any value so I did not bother to upload it. 

Can this superb image be improved? Nothing on the technical side. My preference would have been to see this in a 50% mode or at least just a tad more space at the top of the image. One of the comments made on one of my images was that if they were considering buying it, they would imagine a matte covering a 1/4 inch border of the image.

All the very best,




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