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Ton, a beautiful clean (sic!) and well composed shot. I love the way you have managed to prevent any blowouts in this scene of very dark and strong light. It is also somewhat intriguing with the metal chicken wire reflected on the bench. Are we in prison or just back to the good old days with cold water? 

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fine picture Ton, a real pretty comp full of nostalgia -- as Anders says a pic full of longing for the "...good old days with cold water". Actually the good old days weren't so good and eventually hot water from a tap was a welcome luxury for those lucky enough to get it. But ain't it curious how memory shifts from discomfort into sweet yearning for times passed... 

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the juxtaposition of some basic components bathed in light, which probably comes from behind the barred window, makes this photo draw the viewer into the place the moment they see it. There are a lot of what and why questions about the room and the situation looks pretty intriguing but even so the whole impresses with subtlety. Also like the diagonal composition and though my eyes are mainly focused on what the light is doing on the soap and the bowl on the wooden table, it's great there are more details to discover here. Looks like you've taken a bit of a turn with this work, really look forward to your next uploads:-}. Best regards.

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Definitely a different turn you seem to have taken with this upload, Ton, and indeed a surprising and intriguing one. My initial thought was that this possibly could have been taken at the Arnhem openlucht museum, or a similar location, because your capture of this basin & soap dish has such a feeling of a bygone area to it, imo. (although, it could just be anybody's purist lifestyle of course) I really like the way you handled the light and shadows in your photo -- Nicely balanced whites on the enamel basin & perfectly visible details in the wood grain. A beautiful, pure and simple composition, which is befitting to the bare objects depicted in your photo.  Hartelijke groet, Marjolein

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I see Ton in this, very much so, though in a different guise. A still life mode but with the richness and attention to detail I've become so used to. Being me, I especially appreciate the dark frame of the chair looming in the shadows. That's a masterful touch to this still life, offsetting the more glowing elements on the table. There's a lot of depth achieved by preserving that chair's presence and even the lines of the floor on which it sits. It allows the table more of a three-dimensional character, in which the textures and grains of the wood are finely shown, both in light and in darkness. Great shadows throughout, delicate and adding a sense of design. Very nicely done!

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Fred, I must say that your critique of this photo of Ton is extremely good based on a very good eye for the details that make the difference. Your comments on the chair in the background that I did not emphasize in my own critique, and your mentioning of the textures of the bench are masterly seen. I'll press the "helpful" tag to this. Thanks !

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first off I've been off and on PN considerably less than before. Part of that is a busy time, both personal and at work, and traveling every now and then. Just last week I got back from a stay in Barcelona and am now right in the middle of planning another trip to Valencia. And no I'm not complaining here ;-)

Despite my absence here I'm very appreciative that you are still following what I do. For those of you that wonder if I've switched to another field. No, I haven't. The truth is that while most of what I do is shoot out there I stray in other fields as well as I suspect most of us do. Photo's as the one above I like to shoot for a great many reasons but I hardly post them here, that's all.


As to this photo well, I'm rather fond of what most would call a "classical" approach to subject both from a subject point of view as from a technical point of view. Fred, I'm very pleased (although not in the least but surprised) that you picked out the background in particular as that is a very important part of this photo for me. Would it not be there I myself would merely look upon this as a technical exercise and most likely would have binned it. Anders thanks as well, both for your initial comment as getting back after Fred's.

Carlos, it seems to me that both of us have a nostalgic streak that shows in both our work. I guess we're both romantics at heart ;-) Glad to hear from you again btw after our little adventure over yonder.

Bulent, Jeff, thanks and yes for better or worse I am a stickler where tonality is concerned.

Amy, thanks as well. I'm glad it appeals to you.

Wieslaw I think both juxtaposition and even more importantly composition are instrumental in what we do. You own work is a great example of that. Thanks.

No Marjolein it's not Arnhem, it's Bokrijk in fact. Thanks very much. I hope all is going well at your end.


Again, thanks to all of you. Rest assured, my next upload will be out in the open again ;-)

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A beautiful photograph that can absolutely be enjoyed for it's beautiful tones and simplistic design. A classic and dramatic look that I love. Excellent! Hope all is well!

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Robert, that is an inspiring and motivating comment especially since I know you mean it but even more so because I know what you are capable of yourself so thank you for that.

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