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Fluye #2 (please enlarge)


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During the rating yesterday this image has received a 3 and several 4

ratings. Would like to know why it is regarded being below average or


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Excellent work! It should be no less than 6. About ratings. Do not count on them. There is so many excellent works on PN, that rated far bellow. I think it related to members, who do not have any respect to all of us.

About presented work -- you done very well with composition, excellent color representation at foggy hours. Well done!


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It's a simple and elegant composition with muted natural colours, which is probably why it has received some low ratings. Many people are using monitors that are either unsuitable or incorrectly set up, the subtleties of this image will be lost on them. Also, as Grigoriy pointed out, don't pay too much attention to the ratings; what's popular isn't always a reflection of what's good.

I'm not a great fan of borders, and I'm glad that you've opted for a simple white frame as this doesn't overpower the image. The only tweaks I would make would be to clone out the two blobs either side of the birds (I'm not sure whether they're more birds or just random detritus but since they don't really add anything I'd get rid of them).

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Fantastic image. The composition is great and the pastel colors are just fenomenal. I really like the feel of peace on this image.



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The voting habits of some members of the PN community are a complete mystery to me. As D Taylor very elequently put it "The subtleties of this image will be lost on them" It is for this very reason that I have long since opted to post images for "critique only".  But my views of this image are as follows: -  Well balanced composition with perfect placement in the "thirds" cross section of  the boats, beautiful subtle pale pastel colours that I believe would look brilliant as a print, and a tranquil calm atmosphere.  This gets a 7 from me, but I must admit I am biased in favour of boat photo's.

Very well done Volker!

Kind Regards


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This is an excellent image and I would give it a rating of 7. I made a suggestion to the PN administrators before to have mandatory comment if a low rating grade (i.e. 3 or 4) is assigned to a photo. As people could leave comment as anonymous after the recent system upgrade, they should be able to provide reasons for giving out low grades without presenting their names. I failed to convince the administrators as they think that combining rating with critique would cause more frustrations and I respect their decision. However, as people start to lose confidence in the current rating system, I think further improvements should be made to address this problem.

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Many thanks guys for leaving your thoughts - appreciate very much.

D Taylor: very valuable tip regarding the "blobs" - actually, these are buoys, but cannot be identified well or at all by the viewer (due to the distance, the poor light and foggy conditions). Therefore, I myself was a bit unsure to leave them or not. Gonna erase them in the next version.

Bobby Ho: you made an interesting suggestion to the PN admins. Could work well, I think.

Rita: very good idea, hence, why not getting rid of  the ratings at all? In the virtual world too much can readily be manipulated / it is very difficult to warrant that a number / result etc. you're seeing on your screen is actually a genuine one (without independent QA), right? Furthermore, in another Web-based "community" of photographers I've left, meanwhile ratings and discussions on their outcomes have pretty often been transformed into a disgusting showcase / platform of silly actual fights of irreconcilable factions / groups of (strange) photographers... I also got a strong impression that results of ratings had been manipulated there anyway.

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Hi Alf, I agree, and thanks for your frank words. I have already assumed that such objects / photos do not / could not address the major taste of the mainstream here. It is just an assumption but I think others could have the same opinion / taste as you, and I simply have to accept that. Tastes are very individual and depend on a lot of different factors / aspects. Hence, I like very much what you have said. Helps a lot to understand better... :-)

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I've always liked the photos minmaliste, this particular one has a touch of pink that softens the scene

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Volker, Beautiful light and soft colors. I like the sense of depth with the boat clearly detailed in the foreground and the soft landscape in the background. 

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A lovely image, Volker.  And I agree with the other comments posted - subtlety is often under-appreciated, either due to technical limitations (e.g. the monitor people use is not calibrated correctly, and so the slight variations in color in an image don't come through), or a penchant for "pop" (e.g. some people want images that are very saturated and/or contrasty and don't like or appreciate images that aren't).  This is the kind of photo that beautifully conveys a soft, reflective mood (the muted colors, the minimalist composition) and could/should be hung on a wall along with other pieces of fine art.  Excellent work.

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This is a fabulous image Volker! The gorgeous soft colors, and fabulous tranquil landscape, really portray a feeling of peace.  Awesome scene, beautifully photographed.

All the best,

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Hi Volker.

Very good composition and nice pastel tones.

I agree with ALL precedent comments: I would cloned out those buoys, I won't waste even a second on anonymous 3-raters and YES: IT'S A GREAT SHOT!!

Best regards,


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Beautiful capture! Outstanding composition and perfect time to create such wonderful image.Bravo!


Best regards Sadegh

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