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© Copyright Pamela franklin

Land of Fairies



© Copyright Pamela franklin

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This tiny mushroom is smaller than my little finger. This area was

enchanting and filled with so much eye candy for those who would look!

This was hand held at f/4 800 ISO in low light. I appreciate all

comments and suggestions, thank you for looking.

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   It's a pity that the foreground just happens to be too blurred (not withstanding  beautiful DOF etc...). The main subject is beautifully lit and shot! Oh Yes!

   My first suggesstion is to crop away as much as you might dare of the offending distracting bottom of the frame. And, my second is to carry a small pair of scissors or clippers when doing such photography. best wishes ~ mike

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Thanks Mike...good advice, I appreciate your taking the time to comment, in fact I am putting some small clippers in my pack now! I wasn't out to shoot this kind of thing, we were in route to the mountains. I really did not have the right lens for my comfort to do this kind of shoot. True story, we girls needed a restroom break and were in an area where it was bushes for us  ;) This was the area we walked into and it was amazing! I went back to the car to get my camera and spent quite awhile shooting these little guys. My photos are OK but all of them have flaws similar to this one  ;(  I should have marked it with a ribbon because it is not likely I will ever find it again!

Warm regards, Pamela 

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This is very interesting, I have never seen anything just like it.  I love the way you have captured the reflection or sparkle, it really makes your image come alive.


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Ahhh the things we encounter when we least expect them : - ) fairyland Indeed it is! Considering this was hand held, I think you've done an admirable job. It's just awaiting Tinkerbel to arrive and the party to start!  I know Mike has a valid point about the foreground, but I don't think you can lose any of it without it detracting from the image, I've tried trimming bits off just to see what it looks like, but it just don't look right to me. Bit off the top maybe, but I think the composition needs the beginning of the stem at the bottom as already exists to make it work effectively. 

Astonishing find and a brilliant shot!

Warm Regards


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Jim,  I am so happy that you like this, I have never seen anything quite like this either...don't have a clue what it is or why it has spores. These little guys were tiny and magical...in fact the whole area was. I really did expect to see Little Fairies flying about as we invaded their enchanted home!


Alf,  As always it is a pleasure to hear from you and yes....Magical Fairyland it was! We were under a spell whilst exploring this area! I think Tink was there...I heard the flutter of wings but when I turned in the direction the noise came from...poof...gone! I did try as you did to crop, trim, repair ...etc...and like you this was the best possible presentation I could see. You are of the same mind as me, the bottom stem needed to stay and I do not like square photos so...no crop off the top either.


Warmest regards, Pamela

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Under the circumstances I think this is pretty extraordinary.  You certainly HAD to take these....they're so remarkable.  I'd love for someone to identify what it is.  I think this image justifies the name much more than your mushroom shot. :-)  And I'm curious.....is there a particular reason you don't like square crops?  Or is it just 'because'.  :-)

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Beautiful image Pamela,

I like this great close-up with nice details and BG.

Well done.


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Wonderfully zany. Great focus and detail. The soft focus leaves on the bottom bother me a little (maybe if you pulled them down a little it would be better) and I am sure some will criticize because it is so centered (that does not bother me, however.) Hope all is well. - Charles

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Well, its all been said, but that is some wild looking fauna.  At first i thought it was some kind of underwater anenome.

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 Hi Pamela,

What an phenomenal capture! To me the blurred foreground adds to the whole ghostly appearance of this alien looking object from the middle of nowhere, as much as the glowing neon color of the antennas.

I believe this is a parasitic fungi feeding from a host mushroom. I saw a similar looking thing growing from the insects on NG channel...

Again, wonderful fantastic shot!

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