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Evening Dippers


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It was a lovely evening, as I waited for the jetty to empty of people so I

could photograph it (see "out of the blue"), I became engrossed in

watching the interaction of a mother and her three children. They all had

little fishing nets, and chattered excitedly, but very quietly, and each

time they brought another netful of tiny marine creatures onto the jetty

to be examined they would "oooh" and "Ahhh" and point and touch.

I have to say I was really moved by the scene. Just a mum and her kids

having a great time, enjoying simple pleasures. I waited for them to

stand up so that I could try and get a silhouette that may perhaps

convey the mood of the scene. Your thoughts and comments are

always appreciated. Thank You!

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what a great landscape!  you can actually tell a lot about the two kids and the older woman just by their silhouettes.  also, the rings in the water really adds to the photograph.  the colors are also amazing.   no critique here.  :) 

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Alf...  I agree with Bob, the scene as a whole is superb but the ripples really focus the eye on the subjects...  Excellent... Mike

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composition wise and visually this is perfection Alf,extra additions are the ripples and the wisps of clouds in the background,not much else to say about an excellent image as this,lovely work Alf,keep them coming,best regards,Harry

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A classical art I think u hv done in this shot.. the colour composition, positioning the bridge in the frame, holding the waves in proper tim... in total .. an excellent work. .. Thanks for sharing.. & thanks indeed for your valuable comments on my shot. ... Regards... Rudy C.

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Beautiful Alf! Love the blue/orange gradient you have going in the sky, and reflection, the silhouetted mother, and children, and the richness of the colors. Excellent story to accompany the picture too.

All the best,

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Well Alf, this is the marvel you eluded to previously.  You were just in your claim, it is certainly not the average dock scene done many times prior.  It is fairly unique and you have done an excellent job all around.  As a "people" shot it is darling in the family atmosphere you have managed to capture, right down to the ringlets of waves demonstrating the action.  The "landscape" is nearly all of the previous post of this location.  It seems to be indeed a bit earlier in the evening so the light is not nearly as dynamic, yet the greater yellows and oranges are necessary to delineate your subjects.  A truly wonderful capture, I can almost hear the chatter from the dock.  Fantastic processing as well.  My best regards...


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  You have captured a classic scene of the all american family.  Beautiful composition & colors with a peaceful feel of this scene. A wonderful story.  Thanks for sharing.  Take care, Patsy

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Lovely scene, Alf! An admixture of deep human feelings ( of mother and children ) and the most silent and calm moment of nature ! You did very well and this capture is a masterpiece indeed. Bravo for you patience here, as some photographers disturb of human presence in their scene specially in such golden very short moments.Keep up the good work.


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Your patience was key, as was your willingness to "see" something other than what you initially intended.  The silhouettes are appropriately separated, a net is clearly seen, and the ripples from a recent dip are still spreading out from the dock.  the light is beautiful, and the shape of the dock is very graphic.  You've really put it all together.

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It's an amazing scene and I love the story behind it.  You made their silhouette's really come to life.  The dock brings me in and there they are and I go a little more and see the beautiful colors in the sky and on the water.

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I guess the other image you posted is from the same location.... Both the images are awesome in it's class... I mean with/without active subject... Awesome job Alf...
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Alf,  I love the tranquility and subtleties like the grey clouds low reflected and the orangey/white horizon -- both sky and reflection like a shell opening.  The people distract me (I'd rather just see their reflections) maybe because their activity is by nature disruptive and ...well... destructive.  

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An artist elevates the ordinary into something far beyond and you always do that with your photography.  I find the glowing orange horizon in between the two blue layers mesmerizing.  The individuals arranged by descending height along with the effect of the rippling water convey a sense of unity and serenity.  

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There is very much to like about this photo, the composition works in so many ways to draw the viewers eye into the scene.  I like how the reflections of the 'dippers' adds an element of interest in the water below the pier.  As landscape photographers we often spend time waiting for people to walk out of the scene we are photographing but in this case by including the mother and children you have captured a very special family moment.  Beautifully done!


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Alf, your work amazes me. You see things that most people would overlook and you capture them brilliantly. This work shows the photographer as a kind family man with a very good eye and great talent. Thank you.
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All said above, I guess...In a nutshell: visceral impact is very powerful.CSE rules quasi perfect.I think this photograph achieves all what you were after - to capture and retain the viewer's interest. Compliments Alf!

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Great story behing and I like the contrast between the very abstract lines and the human silouhettes, colors are gorgeous!

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Many thanks for your interest and kind words, there are in fact 3 kids in the photo, but it is difficult to see the third he is just behind mum, and she is handing him the net , you can just see his hands, but without asking them to pose, (something I didn't want to do as it would have broken the spell I think) it was near impossible to seperate them, they were so close together most of the time. : - )

Cheers Bob!



Sincere thanks for your visit and kind words, and yeah, I agree the ripples do kinda draw the eye towards the silhouetted figures. Good point.

Kind Regards



Many thanks, for your very kind and generous comments, such encouragement inspires me ever further.

Cheers mate!


Thank you for stopping by and for your positive feedback, much appreciated !

Kind Regards



Sincere thanks for your kind words and positive feedback Neil, I'm really pleased you liked it, it's always a bonus when theres a story to accompany the image, and this time I got lucky.

Cheers Neil



What can I say, such praise from you , is praise indeed! My sincere thanks for looking and delivering such detailed feedback, very much appreciated!

Kind Regards



Many thanks for your observations and very kind words. The erm "All American Family" in this case was of course British, but I think I understand the sentiments that accompanied that statement as I have family in the USA, and they do have a strong belief in family values, as indeed do many other cultures and countries. But suffice to say, it's nice to witness, no matter where.

Cheers Patsy!



Your words are worth more than a barrel full of 7's to me!. Many thanks for your visit and your interest. I am interested in how the new rating system is being received actually. I wasn't a great fan of the old one, perhaps I'll have a look on the forums. It's a subject that has sparked numerous debates and my curiosity is now aroused as to how the general consensus of opinion stands.

Best Regards



Many thanks for your visit and your interest.

Kind Regards



Sincere thanks for your kind words of encouragement, it is good to know that you have shared the moment and touched upon the similarities between the calmness of the natural environment and the harmony of the familly, very well interpreted my friend!

Kind Regards



Many thanks for your encouragement and positive feedback. I am very fortunate to recieve critiques from yourself and other like minded photographers, and I point this out now, not to be a "patronising git" but to explain that untill very recently I wouldn't have given the family on the jetty a second thought, except perhaps as a inconvenient nuisance, but because of a comment made by another member of PN, and a visit to another members images, that depicts people within a landscape. I now give the human element a lot more thought, and a lot more respect as to what it can contribute to a landscape.

Best Regards



I am really pleased you enjoyed the image Bob. Sincere thanks for your kind comments and support, much appreciated!

Kind Regards



Many thanks for your kind words and positive feedback, you are correct it is the same location, but I suppose I have posted the images in reverse order. "out of the blue"was taken a few minutes after the family had departed from the jetty.

Best Wishes



Many thanks for your kind words and feedback. I suppose on the face of things I can appreciate why you would tend to interpret the presence and activities of the family as intrusive and destructive, breaking the spell of the utter silence and solitude. But in all honesty, the tranquility and peace of the scenery, was in my opinion very much echoed, by the harmonious interchange between mother and children, there was no screaming, no yelling, no fighting amongst themselves, just quiet chit chat, almost as if they themselves didn't want to break the spell either. But maybe....you just had to be there : - )  Thanks again Donna

Warm Regards



Good to hear from you, I hope you are keeping well! I can appreciate your comments about being mesmerised by the colours, the same evening cars stopped at this location and people got out with mobile phones taking photo's of the sunset, everyone seemed pretty much spell bound by it. Many thanks for your positive feedback and encouragement Adan, much appreciated!

Kind Regards



Sincere thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate your comments.

Kind Regards



You have summed it up perfectly, and as previously mentioned it's not very long ago I would have waited very impatiently for the family to depart the scene, before taking the shot. Thankfuly, (and mostly due to previous comments and example from PN photographers), I realised the potential of what was in front of my eyes. Many thanks for your positive feedback and thoughtful insight Jim.

Kind Regards



My sincere thanks and appreciation for your visit and support.

Best Regards



Many thanks for your generous comments and positive feedback. "See things that most people would overlook" is a great compliment, but I think awareness comes with time and experience, fortunately I get the benefit of other peoples experience on PN and hopefully learn from it.......well sometimes at least : - ) "Kind family man"  Hmmmm well the grandkids would argue with that .........specially when I beat them at footie! : - )

Warm Regards



Sincere thanks for your positive feedback and kind words. I think I achieved my objective yes, "capture and retain the viewers interest", has to be the primary objective, then awakening empathy and emotion has to be the secondary but nonetheless important ones, hopefully I've made some in-roads on that score too, but errrm perhaps not quite in your league yet : - )

Kind Regards



Many thanks for your visit and kind words, much appreciated!

Best Regards



Many thanks for your visit and thoughtful comments. It's the silhouettes that did it for me to be honest, I know I give the background story behind this image, but body language and shapes always seem to accentuate any given situation. I suppose the imagination is far more powerful than the eye.

Best Regards





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Nice colors and magical light Alf.  Great story telling shot.  I like the reflection of the three silhouettes in the water and the gentle ripples in the foreground which give a sense of life to the stillness of the dusk.  The diagonal line of the wharf also contribute to fill the frame and keep the eye within the photo.  Well done. Regards always - michel

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