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Exposure is about 1/20,000 at f/16. Four strobes were used (behind, below and on each side) with polarizers to control reflections.PS curves, sharpening and cropping were used on the final image, as well as a small amount of cloning to remove a couple artifacts. Everything else was "in camera."

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I'd appreciate feedback on whether this shot is as interesting as

the more colorful droplet images.

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Top-class work here, Bert ! The best of your water shots by far imo. Just a very simple suggestion: get the whites to be really white, and it will be even more striking visually - and purer. And frame it in Black. Really wonderful. Congrats.
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I prefer this one over the water collision that had a background of bright colours. This one has just a hint of prism colour. I find that I pay more attention to the shapes, textures and the designs created in the sheeting, in this one.
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I think this is the best in your series of water drops pictures. Very pleasing also from a compositional point of view. Cropped? Regards, SV
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spectacular ! I like the hint of colour, it's really the form that makes it so cool...whiter would be better like Marc mentioned...keep it up !
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Thanks for the comments. I tend to agree with Marc as well that a whiter background would be better. I tried at the time for that effect, but given the scale and the timing I didn't quite get the white I was looking for. Guess I'll have to shoot some more ;-)
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Bert, you don't need to reshoot anything ! :-) Just adjust your curves for whiter whites in PS, and it would be equally easy to get this right in the wet lab. A very small matter in fact... and a really wonderful image that won't be esy to duplicate. Cheers.
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Marc, I used levels but was concerned that some of the subtle detail in the "fan" was lost. I've spent a little more time on it and here's what I've come up with.

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Guest Guest


Beautiful, original and perfectly performed capture !
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Guest Guest


Wow, this picture rocks in ratings. Very happy for you Bert!:) By default search it is number 3 in last 3 days. Great:)
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Congratulations Bert!......... On getting your taxes done... Oh and congratulations on another in your fine series of water droplet photos. Yes, this works without the colored lighting. In fact I'd prefer this one without the color that it has. I also prefer your reworked version.
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After seeing the amended version, all I have to suggest is to frame it with black and to replace the original upload with it. I read in the discussion forum that it's perfectly acceptable to do so, as long as you leave a comment on the page and in the technical details informing photonetters about what you did. Excellent picture and excellent little touch-up. Besides that, there's a new question on my mind: do we actually need these little color spots - not sure...? They aren't a real problem, but are they necessary...? Finally, I would of course regret the fact that the left and the right side borders interrupted the movement, but still, even as it is I can't rate it any lower than "very good" in Aesthetics and "excellent" of course in Originality... The water splash is just magical... Cheers.
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When I first saw this image it was in the general random "rate me" folder and I couldn't figure out what it was. (My mental problem) It appeared as a blob with a weird shape in the middle, not abstract enough just vaugue, therefore I rated it a 3, 3.


My personal rating system is if it an image that is a snapshot type it gets a 4 because an average person could make it. If you move to a slightly different angle then your originality rating goes up. If you try to make a point and it isn't apparent or if it is too vaugue.. it goes down.

I felt this missed the point at first glance. When I take a closer look AND after reading what is attempted I see better, but it means (to me) that originality should go up because I missed it but it took READING a caption etc.. to really get it.


Asthetically, reading the caption helps too but this just doesn't say "WOW" too me when I view it.




If it is difficult to make, it does not mean to me that it is a great image. I appreciate the difficulty but I don't feel the resulting image is fantastic.



Trying to clarify my ramblings, I do feel a change is needed. Originality would be a 6 (a great departure from a snapshot) and Asthetically a 4 (personally just average interest) and I will post them.


Please bear in mind this is an opinion and in no way am I stating this is a bad photograph just maybe an perception issue

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