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© Lee McLaughlin

Memorial Light ~ by Lee McLaughlin


eTrips.com ~ Lee McLaughlin


© Lee McLaughlin

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During this ceremony the foggy mist poured through the trees and made

this military graveyard quite striking. Shot at the Presidio Cemetery in San

Francisco on assignment. comments welcome.

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Thanks so much for expressing your feelings. I was struck by the visual  of seemingly 'endless graves' of service men and women. I often wander through here when I ride my bike.  The cemetery is quite striking in of itself and frequently the San Francisco fog does this around late afternoon.  I've noticed as I pass by. It is very close to the Golden Gate Bridge. 

This scene took my breath away.

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Very touching and very somber! The lighting of the photo adds a marvelous surreal quality to the scene. I can't help wondering what is going through the little girl's mind and yet, I don't want to intrude on her thoughts. A powerful photo here!!

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What a great photo and title.  My dad died when I was 8 so I can really empathize with the girl.  That was 42 years ago and I still bring flowers to his grave. 

I like the setting and position of the sun-streams through the trees, it kind brings the heavens into the scene.  

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Hey thanks for the sweet comment Bob,

You described the light bringing the heavens to Earth perfectly. I will have to add that phrase to my conscious description. Very heavenly indeed. Sorry you lost your dad at so young an age. That is a big wallop to digest at 8 yrs old. It teaches us to give as much love as possible like every day might be the last. Hope you always find the light with your camera, too.

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Fantastic emotional image with heart touching subject. Amazing use of light. I am move to tears by this gorgeous image!  Warm regards.

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