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© Pnina Evental copyrights

Peter's Fountain



© Pnina Evental copyrights

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Visiting Peterhof, the  summer palace of the Czar Peter the Great, is an experience in itself. The richness of the place,  art works , gold decorations ,its  size,  fountains and gardens ,all are sights  hard to believe. The analogy was to "Versaille " (of St. Petersburg).

Some details, thanks for viewing


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I like them all but your first upload is my favourite. The figure´s pose leads nicely to the fountains, and the interaction of curved and linear elements is well arranged here (the arches echo the small fountains, and the archways mirror the vertical fountains). Very well composed, hats off !

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Pierre thanks, glad you liked it.

Carsten, thanks for your nice evaluation and visit, always a pleasure. Your favorite is mine as well, there are so many of them  there.....but I agree that composition wise this is the best of them.

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A beautiful page in your travelogue.  I like how you've retained so much of the water, which adds its own sculptural element.

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I love your capture of the site. The fountain waters are wonderful. Looks like you may have been battling a bright sunn which takes some of the detail from the statue. I assume he is pouring water froma pitcher or something, but this angle makes it look like he is spitting the water out which adds a level of humor to the shot as well. Nicely seen. - Charles

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Although I like this image, I like the second (N2) image the best! I like the details and lighting!

Appears it would be a fantastic place to visit! Of course, I like fountains anyway.


Nice images!


Best wishes,

Jim j.

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Well dear Pnina, what can I say about this outstanding image? First of all, that you are a master composing images, your talent is undeniable on this topic. The smart use of the harsh natural lightning, (difficult to manage, always), and you get it using the high contrast between the golden sculpture, the gray stone wall and dark arcades with perfect equilibrium. The water, refreshing the scenery, adding motion and balancing the frame. As I told you, a class of photography in itself. Bravo Pnina!

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Magnifica composicion y estupendo documento, preciosa fuente con una luz y tonos excelentes.

Un cordial saludo -Tolo.

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Mario, always short...;-)) but present here, never the less.

Jeff, all the area of the garden is  FULL with fountains, you simply cannot pass without photographing them from every angle.

Charles, as a tourist you can not be picky...Yes it was in the early afternoon, and you need to fight the worst time for photographing. After reading your comment, it really looks like he is spitting water....I really don't remember, but it is a good point...;-))

Richard, thanks  for your nice feedback.

Jim, nice to see you here, and I will visit your work( which I like) again.It is an unusual place to visit, about 30 km outside St. Petersburg.

Carlos, you were absent for a long time, and it is so nice of you to compliment me so much. I can only say again  that I appreciate it, as it was as I wrote, the worst time  of day for photography .;-))

Rajat and Tolo, thanks both of you for the constant feedback.

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It's a delightful repetition of patterns with the curving water streams, then the straight shoots and the arches in the background.  The angle of the statue is funny.  It seems that he is taking a sip of water.

All the versions are wonderfully captured but my favorite is the second one.  There is a playfulness about it that is charming.

I will make sure I visit this place if I find myself in St. Petersburg in the future.  Thanks for sharing Pnina.


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