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These photos were just sent to me by the people we employ to look after the children in Shadipur. The colony is inundated with rain, many homes compeletely flooded out, the children are suffering from rashes all over their bodies, its actually leptospirosis which can later in life lead to kidney and liver failkure and thus death. No one will take them to a hospital or doctor for treatment because they are considered untouchable. Delhi is spending millions on the upcoming games but turns a blind eye to the suffering of its own people.We are arranging to send anti biotics, but tell me how can this be happening in the world today.Countries seem more intent on spending money on things that help no one like warfare and weapons.I am ashamed to be part of this human race

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a photo with a strong message, as you point out. we have taken the suffering of some of us to be granted, somehow, shamefully. -koushik

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After seeing the picture, after reading your texts,  photographer biography included, I wasn't surprised. Why is it? Because the photo, and your words, "define" the abnormal normal human behavior. And... the show must go on!

This is another photo that shames me deeply! Nothing more to say.


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Impactante serie y triste pero real documento. Comparto tu indignacion y malestar frente a tales injusticias sociales, y te felicito por la iniciativa de mostrar y divulgar estas imagenes que hablan por si solas, pero que solo son una pequeña parte de la dramatica realidad. Ojala algun dia se tome plena conciencia de lo que acontece y que imagenes como esta no se puedan volver a repetir.

Un cordial saludo -Tolo.

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Guest Guest


It is a same, the world should have been better than that, you are doing a great job, may GOD Blas you.

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Birte,  I can add this:  the western companies employ hundreds of thousand of Indian people (IT). These people  get great salaries, but do nothing to improve the general life in India. The companies just misuse the fact, that those people are cheaper (not a high income tax of above 50% as in my country) .  There is not a high tax in India and a good law and government system for all the inhabitants.  

So we all are involved in what is happening in India. We let it happen, we choose governments, that do not care about the justice outside the country frontiers. We allow the global companies to use their opportunism to go to exploit.   Can we involve global companies to demand that India gets some improvement? E.g. per Indian IT worker x% of salary (a tax ),  that goes to concrete projects.

IMO to eradicate poverty starts with education (for women). Do these kids get a chance to go to school? The education could lead to less kids being born to one woman..  that may be a start.

Anyway I think it is great You are showing us...

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Jana has a very good point.  There are so many variables.  But this young girl is such a sad sight.  What makes it worse, in our own countries, there are those who live in poverty. Go to school and never tell a teacher they do not have breakfast to eat, although many schools have a breakfast system.   The earth and mankind is paying the price for it's 'sins'.....everyday, new sad and devastating occurances are being revealed. And many innocent are victims because of it.  Thankyou again for sharing this 'revealing' image. sincerely, Gail

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Thank you, here you are again, with lens full of pity and hand full of 'antibiotics'.Selling poverty -Its a primitive business for the 1st World. When I search photos tagged with 'India', I always get Btrte Ragland.Regards.

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Very well presented Birte. Ones heart goes out to the people and it's hard to understand how this goes on while so much is wasted in other persuits. Keep up the good fight.



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Birte, there is so much suffering in this world. During the Olympics in Vancouver a few months ago there was a similar attitude towards the homeless who live on the streets in an area called East Hastings. It has been been compared to Delhi, but I know it isn't close, but still there is terrible poverty, drugs, disease and misery. The government would have happily brought in a bulldozer to shove them all into the ocean if they could. They were considered an embarrassing eyesore. Millions, perhaps it was billions (not sure of the total) were spent on the priviledged few, and the poor keep on suffering. It just goes on and on everywhere. I admire you for shaking us up with your shocking, heartbreaking images. They are hard to look at and they also make me feel shame. Warm wishes, Linda

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