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Comet, Hale Bopp


Nikon F-5 20 Seconds with a 85mm @1.4 on Fuji 800 super-G pushed to 2,000 with blue gels on my trucks headlights to illuminate windmill.



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Wow, you really captured the comet and it's colors well. Such a simple composition, nothing is bothersome to the eye.. great.... I wish I could have this in my room.


I checked out your portfolio... breathtaking as well... you have this thing for circular images I find... but it can just be me.


Thanks, and this really deserves to be POW.

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I went through your folder the other day and I was so amazed! All of your shots are more than worthy of the POW and many other awards. Good diversety and absolute impeccable quality. Thank you for shareing it wih us. Usually seeing a good picture makes me want to run out and try harder to become better, but your folder makes me want to give up completely because I know I will never be that good.
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For once, no complains about "the elves beign under drug influence" or "I don't know why people find that photo interesting..."... This is a wonderful, unique shot taken very well. Thanks to the artist to share this with us!
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Impressive. Great planning to gel your headlights. I just went back and checked your portfolio, and many of the images show great forethought and previsualization.
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I just looked at this guy`s folder....then blocked my toilet.... damn camera got stuck....
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Guest Guest


Planning and preparation combined with vision. That's all I can say.
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Two thumbs up from me, Daniel, on having one of your pictures picked as POW. Strong folder you have online here!
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Ditto to all the above positive kudos... This image and many in this folder are winners... I've been enjoying your portfolio for a while now...


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Dan, you just moved me off of top place for Top Rated Photographers on PhotoNet. And you know what? Your images are in fact excellent. Shows what a person can do when they know their equipment and get out there to let skill and imagination blend into art. Very nice stuff! Look forward to seeing more. Got a website portfolio we can visit to see more??

-- www.davidjulian.com

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Aside from the comet itself and the windmill, I like all the stars. It really gives the feeling of outer space. Wonderful.
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I knew there must be more to this image than just a windmill with a comet flying through a starry sky. The correlation is WIND !!! For all those who saw this already, I apologize for being so stupid. To me it just makes it all the more genius if there is some relationship between the objects or a story. A barn and the comet might have been just as visually appealing but the use of a theme in this manner with this quality makes it a true masterpiece.


The blades of the windmill are a bit blurred making it look windy but if they only moved that much in 20 seconds then it probably wasnt.


I feel the need to start some controversy here otherwise this is going to just go on and on with well-deserved accolades and get boring.


I understand that most of the members on this site who do not post their pictures but still have plenty of knowledge probably are professional photographers who just dont want their pictures stolen, and I respect that. Now if you look at Daniel Bayers folder and equipment, he probably is a pro too. I am sure that over time a lot of people will download and steal his pictures BUT whos phone do you think is ringing off the hook with prospective clients?!!!


You can sell all your potatoes and seeds if you want and have nothing to eat the next year, or you can plant a small percentage of them and have another crop next year.


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Thank you Kyle!

Yes, I make my entire living with photography and shoot almost daily. I am currently on staff at the Aspen Times in Colorado but when I was in Kansas, my then managing editor said to me in a deep coversation, " If we could just give this stuff away and not worry about the money crap, it would just get better." I have thought about that alot in recent years and just when I need a chunk of change for a piece of gear or something like my departing my full time paycheck for a trip around the world, the money always pops up. Maybe not in large amounts but certainly enough.


I have been taking pictures since I was 10 years old, that's 24 years now. When I was a child, I would escape my sometimes unpleasant childhood to my camera and day dream. Now I get paid to do that. So If people take my pictures to use as wall paper or whatever, so be it. I hope it brings them as much joy as it has brought me over the years.


Thank you everyone for your great comments. I am building a website that will be up before I go to Australia, www.dbPIX.com, should be up in about two weeks.


By the way, the windmill is still, it's just a tad out of focus because the depth of field at F1.4.

I have hundreds of lousy stars pictures as growing pains that have been the journey to this image.


Happy shooting everyone,



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This picture is great. But the ones in this guy's folder are even better. It's depressing to think you are an OK photographer and then you look at this guy's work and find out what pictures should look like :-) Congratulations, you are my idol now. And keep posting stuff. *Giacomo*
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