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© © 2010, John Crosley/John Crosley Trust All Rights Reserved, No Reproduction Without Specific Advance Permission of Copyright Holder

"Not Seeing 'Eye to Eye' With Security"




© © 2010, John Crosley/John Crosley Trust All Rights Reserved, No Reproduction Without Specific Advance Permission of Copyright Holder

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I happened by a major art event, stopped to take a photo or two, but

somehow did 'Not See Eye To Eye With Security' there. (Depicted:

Security Guard and Eye). Your ratings and critiques are invited and

most welcome. If you rate harshly, very critically, or wish to make a

remark, please submit a helpful and constructive comment; please

share your photographic knowledge to help improve my photography.

Thanks! Enjoy!!!!! John

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He is, of course, an artist, and unlike me, he had an invitation.

I only had walked down the street, seen a 'crowd' around a somewhat world famous and quite large gallery founded by a billionaire when he still had a billion (before the crisis), and walked up to take a photo or two outside, only (ultimately) to have a hand shoved in front of my camera -- a most rude act, considering I was on public property, I was NOT paparazzi and do not take photos of celebrities and was not trying either (1) to get in, or (2) to take a photo of anyone famous, but merely to get a good, telling photo for 'street art'.

The security chief kept telling me it would be so kind of me to respect their kind wishes kindly and kindly not take photographs, but he refused to even name the event for me, (though surely I was the only one around who did not know its name), so I said kindly that since he could not be kind enough to name the event or describe what was happening (though he said I would be welcome the next day), that regrettably, I could not accept his offer which he termed 'kind' 'not to take photos' and went ahead and took this of one of his lieutenants (on public property of course).

Also, frankly, I told him that galllery and its openings, like most gallery openings (and most 'art' galleries) bores me literally to tears . . . with most people showing up just to be 'seen' rather than to 'see' and to have their names in society pages rather than because of anything intrinsic to their own worth regarding 'art' (in general, but not always of course, and with sometimes notable exceptions).

Of course, not being interested in celebrity at all, not watching television, boycotting the celebrity magazines, mags and web sites (are you listening TMZ and Harvey Levine?) and only watching a few award-winning movies a year, I wouldn't know a celebrity if I tripped over one, generally, except a few of the old-timers or old-liners.

Lady Gaga, I couldn't identify to save my soul . . . . and do not even know why she is famous, and the same for Kim Kardashian and a whole host of others whose names are familiar because they appear on my way to REAL news about economy, politics, science, etc. 

And what about the divorce between the couple who had so many children -- the mother gooslings, or something like that?  They are famous for what? 

Being on a semi-scripted reality television show I never saw and wouldn't watch unless I were in custody?

And isn't 'reality television' sort of like 'giant shrimp' -- an oxymoron?

Unless it's 'Cops' with its helicopters flying overhead and its officers running thrugh bushes, down driveways and over fences after the supposed perps (then politely handcuffing them, in deference to the cameras they know are trained on them -- thus surely altering their behavior more than a bit).

No curse words on 'Cops'.

'Hold it Right there you M****  F****' is something that doesn't play well after a helicopter and car chase then a foot chase through people's backyards, across fences, through a creek, then pindown!

'Dear kind perpetrator.  We hold these rights to be self evident.  You as an accused perpetrator, have the right to an attorney.  If you do not have one and cannot afford one, one will be appointed to represent you. . . . ' and so on, right from the Miranda card as though it were just being read to kindergartners.


Just run through some bushes after a high speed car chase in LA, with four or five cops after you, hop a fence or two with some donut eaters after you, cursing you, then try to hide under a bush where the infrared seeking helicopter camera can spot you, then see if they politely cuff you if there's no 'COPS' camera around . . . . .

See if they don't use the M*** F***** word then when they arrest you.

You're more likely to end up with a broken wrist from the cuffing, then a few broken ribs from 'resisting' and a few other injuries too.

(not that anyone can blame those guys in blue . . . for the stinken time some people give them . . . but what if you're really innocent?)

You were walking around the corner when the true perp ran past you, the whole thing was a mixup, and then you get beat up and wrists broken by the cuffing? 

And more as you protest your innocence.

It happens.

In Ukraine, as far as I can tell, cops don't cuff anyone.

One cop walks in front, one in back and for a real bad guy one walks on either side. 

It's just 'walk to the vehicle'!  No disturbance.  No noise.  No cursing.

Perps in Ukraine are v e r y silent.

What happens after that, however is the subject of much urban rumor, which I will not repeat, since I personally have no knowledge.

I like to write from first hand knowledge or other unassailable sources.

I do not ever intend to have any first hand experience encountering local or national militia (cops).

John (Crosley)

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you've 'captured' the security guard in a great spot, given him a hydra-headed look, like one of his heads was wearing a particularly (and quite contrarily) amusing mask... great catch... you sure showed some stubbornness...

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In a word 'Yes'

(But this was not the chief, just a subordinate who had no inkling of the words exchanged (not heatedly by the way -- very civilized).

Thanks for the endorsement.


John (Crosley)

(went by the place tonight on a walk and found it was an exhibition about 'sexuality' with a huge line, and it only redoubled my feelings it wasn't worth it  . . . I know plenty about the subject, and no matter what artists have to say about the subject, I doubt I'd either be shocked or enlightened.  I don't think I could have said that in my early to mid 40s, way long ago).

(For what it's worth)


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