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Collecting salt


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, Jun 28, 2010; 05:24 p.m. - "Cropping, framing and even turning a photo upside down can make it more interesting.

I think it would be unfair to apply the chin stroking language of high art to this photo. I see this as a simple documentary shot that the author attempted to further embellish for his own reasons. We all play with our pictures with our bag of tricks; admittedly some are common cheap tricks but that doesn't mean a photo should be devalued by its use.

In this case, and in the context of how the elves set the tone of discussion, I would agree that turning this photo upside down made it more interesting.

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When I saw the smaller image of the shot, it caught my eye because I was curious as to what the odd looking "clouds" were that seemed to be floating around in the middle of the picture. Upon viewing the larger image I was struck even more so as to how out of place and unexplainable they really are, in the context the photo is presented in. In this instance, flipping the picture over served to make the image very surreal and for me, not very appealing.

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I vaguely remember breezing past this image back in April on the critique forum. I did not have anything positive to say then, neither do I now. Last time I took Thumper's (© Disney) Father's advice, this time... well my apologies to any that may be offended, but, "Another inverted reflection image!". IMHO - they have been way overplayed, they have become worse than the worst of sunrises and sunsets; they are certainly not as interesting or as beautiful ninety-seven percent of the time to me. I did see one inverted reflection once that I truly liked; that was of some tide-pools inverted to be the sky. The lattice work of the pools was what really caught my eye. Now, looking back, I believe it might have been just as interesting left in its natural orientation as well.

These are of course just my opinions, subject to ridicule, and forbidden in certain locations.


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The photographer has a number of black and white images that are a lot more interesting than this. Who chose this pic? It has to be one of the worst for photo of the week. He is a good photographer, but this image is weak.

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It took me a while to figure this image out....and then I read the details about the inversion. Very creative!!! The picture makes you think.

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Funny picture, but I would not hang this in my study.
I hope this doesn't become a new trend, coz then we will all get painful necks or have to turn our monitors upside down!

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I only red the first 5 reactions and then had an other look at the photo. There is something wrong with the composition, but I like the effort the photographer has put in it. I have no doubt he has some brilliant pictures in his portfolio (I haven't looked yet...)


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i admire the conceptual nature of this shot and it does ask questions, unfortunatly it provides no answers
cheers mick

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An intriguing image. I don't often have any interest in the photo of the week, but this one was so surreal I had to see it bigger. I like it. There is an air of mystery about it that is accentuated by having the woman's face obscured. I would like it better if the salt piles were moved to the upper right instead of sitting smack in the center.

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BUT, I think that a bit of cropping makes it stronger, as an abstract and as a piece of art. Someone said it needed it, but then said it might have been better with more space instead! Interesting, but I don't think that would help.

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BUT, I think that a bit of cropping makes it stronger, as an abstract and as a piece of art. Someone said it needed it, but then said it might have been better with more space instead!


Michael Seewald could you please direct me to a quote from the " someone " you mentioned who suggested that the photo " needed " to be cropped, which you seem to be referencing above. Thanks, I've read through the comments and cannot find the referred to statement anywhere on this page. One of us is a sloppy reader.

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