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© copyright Tony Hadley 2010

Yukon Fall Late in the Afternoon



© copyright Tony Hadley 2010

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This is gorgeous - I will look for it when you put it up for rating!
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Bella and Diane: I felt blessed to have been able to experience an entire day of this and other photo opportunities.
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This is one of my favourites from my road trip in the Fall of 2009. It has

a very high number of views (over 9000) even though this is the first time

I am submitting it the Critique Forum. Just wondering how you feel

about it? For what it is worth the late afternoon light makes the yellow

fall colors appear to be more orange. If you don't have time to write a

comment - what number would you assign to it?

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Wonderful Tony.  This is one photo to be proud of.  I love the colors and the different layers in this shot.  The foreground and the low laying clouds. This is Nat Geo material in my book.  Great stuff. Regards  always - michel

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Hi dear Tony,

At the first sight, the tonality are very very unique and eye-catching.Excellent POV and wonderful image that can show the fall as well as possible.

7 and one of my favourites!!

Best regards(Bobby).

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I started typing what makes the pic striking to  my eyes, but in the middle of it realized the silliness of it.  Now I say: because it is eye-catching and fascinating.  Somehow it all comes together well in this photo.  BTW, I can see a bottle of V8 beside the second tree from the left.  Cheers, Micheal

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Very striking and I agree the lighting can really make the colors pop, even glow. You managed the exposure well in keeping the oranges from being overly bright which is what I often find a problem with too much sun. This is just beautiful and must have made you hold your breath for a few seconds while you soaked it all in with your eyes  ;)

Warmest regards, Pamela

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This is a classic, it is the kind of image we may admire in print but few of us get the opportunity to actually make a photo like this.  This shouts, 'great big, wide open space', the kind of photo that encourages travel, I find myself wanting to look closer to expand the details.  This would be a great subject for gigapan photo, therefore allowing the viewer to explore those details found on the background mountain slopes. (full marks from me)


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My many thanks for the superlatives.  I have been fortunate like quite a number of other photographers here at PN that I often get a number of comments without having to go to the critique forum (CF).  Prior to submitting this to the CF, this one had a very high number of views and only two comments.  I began to wonder if people were seeing something I had missed and did not want to comment. 

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Hi Tony

I'll do my best to give a critique of an absolutely beautiful image. It has captured the light of late afternoon with maybe a storm coming in. The mid field shows those kind of misty translucent shadows that appear in this kind of view. The crispness and lovely saturated light is wonderful.

So how does anyone give any suggestions for anything different. Well I'll risk a couple of comments. The dark cloud that runs along the top of the scene, seems to kind of "unbalance" the feeling of distance from foreground to background. And the strongest part of the image is the area around the larger hill, so I think another presentation, which was kind of square, cropping out some of the left and right sides might make a wonderful image even stronger.

Of course how an artist presents his work and represents what he/she feels is a personal choice, so my comments are only me struggling with trying to find any suggestions on a beautiful piece of work.

All my best,   Bill

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Breathtaking! Everything works perfectly here Tony. I love the saturated colors and the barely seen snow-capped peaks. Awesome!

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WOW! Gorgeous view and very beautiful colors of the trees and mountains. Thank you very much for everything and I really don't care about ratings and I think you know why. I hope I get back soon. Best regards, Tina

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Wow! Inspirational landscape, amazing colour and depth. A veritable combination of fire and ice that only nature could provide in such a dramatic formula.

Excellent work Tony!

Best Regards


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I am pleasantly surprised at the positive reaction and a little overwhelmed. I must have shot about 2000 images last fall but I kept coming back to this one because it meant something special to me.  And then it was working up the courage to submit it for ratings which felt like putting your baby into the lion's cage and wondering whether the baby would be scratched, eaten alive, cuddled and licked or even made to giggle.

Well so far it looks like the "cuddled and licked" perhaps waiting until it puts on some weight. Enough of the lion's cage analogy! My sincere thanks.

Michel: I don't think I am Nat geographic material but your kind thoughts are appreciated.

Bobby: "7 and your favorite" - I am glad you liked it.

Ruud: I appreciate your insightful comment.

Pamela: When I left the motel in Haines alaska, it was pouring rain but the forecast said "sunny". The receptionist said to me that it has a long way to get to sunny but it did get sunny towards the end of the day when this was taken. i did not have time to hold my breath and I was quite nervous. The light in these parts seemed to be fickle and skittish and when you see something try and get it quickly. I now have a practise of grabbing a shot hand held and then extending the tripod and setting up for the real shot. As I said, the light can be gone in seconds or minutes.

Jim: thanks for your kind words. I am thankful that I am growing as a photographer. In 2006 I shot an entire trip with jpeg instead of RAW. This year I should have done vertical panoramas and this would have been ideal for that. Next time, if there is a next time.

 I will be making another comment to respond to the remaining comments


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Absolutaley Stunning!  (7) Congratulations Tony for a superb landscape both visually and technically. Best regards!

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Thank you very much for your detailed, insightful and constructive comment. As much as i am fond of this image 'as is' - I can see the other possibility of the square crop and the reduction of that horizontal band of cloud at the top. As many times as I can, I try and include some blue in the sky and for me the blue I have here is important - it is like the light at the end of the tunnel or a symbol or promise of better things in the future.

There is an instinct however that a square crop reduces the breadth and the sense of space. It is too late now but perhaps I should have gone with a portrait panorama. The challenge with that would have been the fast moving clouds. When I arrived at the scene the left low lying cloud was at the right side and snow capped peaks were covered. I had to wait for this scene to evolve and then grab it quickly.


All the best and thanks again.


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Marc, Vincenzo, Enrico - thanks

Tina - thanks also - If you don't feel comfortable in rating it, I am Ok with that. The fabulous comments, the 9600 views and the fact that this is my first image in a long while to get to the 'six' area gives me lots of feedback. Trust you will be back soon and best regards also.

Alf: - thanks - I agree with your description of 'fire and Ice'. I had a few opportunities of that on this route but the combination of elements here appealed to me the most.

Rita: have not heard from you recently so your visit is appreciated.

Ernest - thanks.

John B: thank you for your strong endorsement and the '7' rating.  Best regards also.


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