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Sierra Wake Up


f16, 1/15, 18mm.

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Hello Jeff

Wonderful wonderful picture! The golden arch complimented by the blue ridges.. beautiful.

I have a question. You have mentioned that you used a polarizer. But ,you where shooting straight at the sun. Is there a reason why you used it?




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Thanks for the question, Pierre.  While a polarizer's effects are maximal at right angles to the sun, a polarizer can be useful shooting into the sun in certain situations.  Here, a polarizer was used to increase color saturation and increase contrast and separation between the layers.  A polarizer often works very well to increase contrast in clouds too, regardless of the sun's orientation.  Regards, Jeff  

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Wonderful composition and colors. As a principle I keep extra glass - as much as possible - to a muinimum when shooting into the sun but this works for you and I must give my polarizer a 2nd chance in these circumstances. 

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