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Another evening with Mesila.


What is Mesila?

Mesila- Is an aid and information center for the foreign community in Tel Aviv -Yafo. Established in 1999 by the municipality as a center for helping members of the community in time of distress.Some are refugees., some work searches with or without certificate.

There are about 40 children day gardens in the city,kept as well by donation.


Thanks for your thoughts.

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Most assuredly, this is worth checking out the larger view. With this type of image and I speak of an image that involves at least the appearance of motion blur, I gain this sense of things happening, time passing. People sitting at a table talking, people moving by, a flash of pink. It's a warm, attractive scene that draws me in. My eye first goes to the central table and then what appears to be a hallway or opening into another room, a flash of pink.


Because the details of this image are a little mysterious as opposed to the blurred results I occasionally get when shooting wrestling, I have a tendency to view the result as artistic in style and try to pin it to a specific style. Often, I turn to the impressionistic style as the most likely culprit.


As I do here. Perhaps, it's because of the rich, bold colors, the orange, the green, the flash of pink, a little purple. These are the colors of an artist's pallet and a paint brush. For some reason, I'm reminded of Monet's Sunrise, where you have the blurred, indistinct boats on one side (viewer's left) of the canvas and then an open area of see on the viewer's right. You've brought that kind of balance to your own photograph, but it has more the color scheme of a Van Gogh or expressionist.


I've ignored the chair and wall on the viewer's left. It's comparatively sharp focus draws my eye. It provides context to the image we see. Yet, I'm unsure where this element strengthens the photograph.


In sum, you've captured a wonderfully chaotic, colorful scene in your own unique style.

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Hello Pnina! What a wonderful mood this image creates, and I love the colors. You've followed the light, as you always do, and that's a big factor in the richness of the walls, independent of the out of DoF blur. And about that, I see you've focused on the glass-bead curtain separating the two rooms, and you must have used a very large aperture and fairly quick shutter. I don't see any movement effect in this shot, just what's happening with the DoF.


I very much like the sense of intrigue, the feeling of seeing and not seeing all at once. The image is very compelling (IMHO) And the chair that's in the focus plane (really about 5/8 of a chair) serves very well to add depth and perspective. A wonderful shot, my friend. Warm regards, David

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Great how this balances between abstract dream-scape and the concrete world. Visually the photo is compelling with strong lines and rich colours. The blend of sharpness and soft ethereal elements reinforces the odd feeling I get of being welcomed in while at the same time being barred out. I like the strip of wall and partial chair on the left side of the frame. The vertical stripes of the wall fit in with the established motif with the bead curtain and the chair is a good lead in for the line which runs front to back through the scene. Also, as David mentions, that area increased the photo's sense of depth.


Being a curious person I am wondering how you achieved this effect. Rear curtain flash with a slow shutter ? It also looks like it may have been shot through a window with some reflections / refraction of light ? Regardless of how it was achieved, the effect of parts of the scene being solid and other parts being ghostly apparition is a treat to look at as well as to ponder.


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Mark, thanks for your detailed interpretation I was photographing there at the very late afternoon , darkness around . This one was the last frame , passing by on my way home.

I I'm familiar with Monet's boats painting and thanks for your seeing the point of balance . I think this was what attracted me in the first place ,(despite the difference of subject and color palette....) It was just a gut feeling more than a conscious decision..



David, it is so good to see here again , as I wrote to Mark the scene of colors and light, the bid curtain that was hiding/ reviling the inside seating people and place .. My camera was already stored.. Seeing the scene I took it out and took one shot( no flash)..... It needed some PP but it was as in camera ( croppes a bit on the chair side).

Hope to see you active again.


Gord , "odd feeling I get of being welcomed in while at the same time being barred out. Is a very good description of the feeling I have recieved, and it was shot straight from the street ( quite close to the scene, not through a window)

The focus was on the chair and wall so the oof was on the people. The details of my new camera that I still learn was ISO - 3200 ! , F-20 ,SS- 0.6 . with my 50mm (1.4) lens. It enabled me to have reality vs. blurring the people inside ( that was probably the purpose of the curtain ), and the perspective .Sometime luck is also on our side. ;-))


Kaushik, thanks as well,I appreciate your feedback.

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Speaking of your new camera and lens 1.4... I looked in "Details" and found no information. I really wish members would take a little time and set up there equipment page from the "workspace". Other than that I have no suggestions on improving the good photo.
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Wow!!! Brilliant image, Pnina...superb balance between blurry and sharpness...excellent color harmony...and the pink adds the drama in color, while the chair, that too vacant, sets the mood of the composition...love it...

my best

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wow! Lovely image. I cannot add much to the commentary already here, but this is surely a winsome effort. Cheers.
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I like how the beaded curtain appears to be taking over. At first blush, this is all about color and then gradually the figures and context comes into view. I also like the white glowing floor, flowing out like a little river. And the psychological importance of that empty chair cannot be underestimated. When I put my hand over it, the balance seems thrown off. It feels like a guard standing post.
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Sow this is luck ? One of the most artistical pictures I've seen in the last time is

luck and your brilliante photographic intuition . Congrats and do it again !

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polycarbonat, if this is the name. an effect very attractive, that gives a magic appareance. very well done, becouse the focus is on the face and on the shoes, and this drive perfectly the attention. i think the third on the right is useless, i see the door but seems something indipendent from the story. the detail that gives depth and that telles about the place is, for me, the chair on the left
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Very, very nice. This composition and conveyed motion force me to look again and again trying to see more details inside and guess who these people are. Best regards, Vadim
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Meir, added the equipment and photo details.


Kallol, very nice feedback, I'm working to documenting this neighborhood.


Linda and Dave, I appreciate your feeling about this one.


Jeff, it is a very nice evaluation. The curtain color was mixed with the light, and the people. As it is a neighborhood of refugees and work searchers,some not legal , I think that the curtain is purposely the way it is. I think that the glowing floor is adding to the atmosphere of the place, and also color wise is a complementary color to the wide red one. I liked your analogy of the chair, I saw it also as a balance and 3d vs. the blurred parts.


Floriana, thanks for stopping by and your evaluation. I meant luck, not of the photo itself, but my being on my way home, camera closed and seeing this scene took one frame only and it was as I wanted it to be.;-)) .


Andrea, I think that composition wise the door is an upright line on the R ,fits the Line of the L wall ( with the chair), and the greenish entrance into the place Imo is important.Thanks for writing your point of view.


Vadim, nice to read your evaluation and thanks for your writing your feeling.

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I like this one a lot, too. It has the ambiance and lively suggestability of an Impressionist painting. Yet the inclusion of the precisely drawn chair adds a further layer of contrast. It's as if another world of deeper and more intensely experienced reality is separated from us by just the width of a semi-transparent curtain. And perhaps it is.
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As usual I've seen this image a couple of times now and because of pure laziness failed to comment. It is a delight Prina. Lovely.
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