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© Copyright 2010, Giuseppe Pasquali, All Rights Reserved

Boy With Balloon - Tiber - Rome



© Copyright 2010, Giuseppe Pasquali, All Rights Reserved

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Well chosen title, the balloon is a tiny but vital detail (and I wonder wether it would do any good if there was a little more emphasis on it - by whatever photographic or postprocessing means).

Anyway, I agree to Mehmet: it's a magnificent composition. I particularly like how the boy is 'squeezed' into the small stripe of pavement between massive, dark wall and massive river, forced to follow the predetermined path (tempting to see an allegory here...:-)).

Best regards,


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it don't work so well sometimes to see pictures on a computer screen, particularly vertical pictures, pictures that describe scale... But hey, I still prefer that than no photographs at all...;-)...

still you manage to contain grand geometry here Giuseppe, as well as in the other equally successful picture, Couple - Isola Tiberina - Rome. There is a wonderful comforting feeling in both pictures for me, a classical feeling. Indeed the pictures fit like a glove with Haydn' Symphony No.6, 'Le Matin'... which is coming into the room through the speakers as I write you this note. Hmmmm... Giuseppe Pasquali & Joseph Haydn joining forces across time and space to provide me such fine fine entertainment in a mostly overcast gloomy morning... There may be divine providence at work here... Giuseppe meet Joseph, Joseph say hello to Giuseppe - let us sit down guys and have a drink: life, as brutal and indifferent as is still offers great delights and I'm glad you're both here...

i wonder about the picture, if there is excessive space given to the water at bottom frame - I wonder if it would be better balanced with a crop closer to the beginning diagonal of the sidewalk. I'm not nit picking, really, the piece is fine as is, just wondering.

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