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Ecola State Park


ISO 160; F: 22; Shutter 1/30

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Please give me your honest opinion about this composition. I probably

should have used a wide angle lens, and I'm wondering if the crop as I

have it is acceptable. Thanks!

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Beautiful vantage point, and a composition to match. I like the complementary nature of the long roll of clouds and the sweep of the surf, and both virtually meeting at the right edge of the frame. Superb exposure! I have to get up here next summer; it is on the "to visit" list. Well done! Happy New Year! Cheers! Chris
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A stunning view of the coastline with the breaking waves and distant mountains creating positive interest throughout the image. You have included the rocks for foreground interest and yet create the illusion of looking down on the scene from a high viewpoint. It is certainly a spectacular part of the coastline you have captured so well.



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I think the composition is great. The rocks in the left foreground and the trees pique my interest in a way that makes me think extending the scene to the left a bit more might also work well.
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I'm no expert Cristal, but I love it just the way it is....fantastic detail DOF , lighting....I'm drawn right into this beautiful landscape so much -- I wish I was there.....lovely work....sincerely, Gail
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Beautifully composed and presented. I really like the the layers of waves leading your eye up into the outline hills/mountains. Beautiful colors. Wow! Warm regards, Leslie


Happy New year!

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I think the composition is great, and your lens selection was just fine. More to the right would have found open ocean, and more to the left would have found rather dark trees. You've got the essential elements right here.
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Christal: I think you've done an excellent job with this image. A wider lens would have resulted in a much wider image with many smaller elements, and would not be as interesting to view. Nicely done!


All the best of the Season,


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Very beautiful and great picture!!! I like the clouds, forest and waves all getting together in one point. IMHO (very humble, pls don't take it bad) I would add little more light to the trees on the left and I would flip the picture. Have a great music and photography year. :)
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Well, I live in Argentina, everything is upside down and flipped here. We see the moon flipped and the water in the toilet turns to the other side.
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Ahhh! I see now...the world 'Down Under.' Thank you for the explanation. I hope you realize that I had to ask. ;-) Cheers! Chris
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Thank you all so much for taking the time to comment or rate this image. I was really conflicted about this, but it seems for the most part I have it about right. The suggestion to add a bit on the left isn't possible.....unfortunately this is the only view I have. But I appreciate your feedback!


Willy and Chris......glad to see you guys worked that out! :-) One of life's mysteries, eh? Willy, you know what's really funny? I've always wondered if that was really true about the water in toilets spinning the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere. And we kept an Argentine exchange student for an entire year, and I never did pose that question. :-) I'll try your suggestion to brighten up the trees.....thanks!

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Christal, my honest opinion is that you have captured a beautiful landscape and presented it more beautifully. The play of light and colors is admirable. Wishing you a very happy & photogenic New Year.
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Christal... Well, I'm late to the party and can only add that it's a wonderful shot that has lots of visual interest and composed to show excellent depth. I don't know about that flippin' stuff, but agree a tad more light in the trees would help. My only comment, and it's not very usable since you said this is the full frame, would have been to include the full circle of the beach line on the left. That would have been an excellent continuation line from the foreground to the receding beach. All in all excellent as is... Mike



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Christal, I love the movement, the interplay of waves and white caps with the jagged rocks -- the white and the dark -- and then a repetition of soft watery clouds against the spiky, pyramid hills. The rounded shore adds more geometrical dimension and a tone of seclusion, an edge of watery reflection. The light playing on the sands and rocks on the immediate foreground is pretty. Reminds me a bit of a Jane Austin novel, though the locale is dissimilar her characters amuse themselves walking, touring, admiring untouched nature. It would be nice in b&w as well. Happy New Year
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The cloud gets me, pulling down and through the scene, enlivening it. Quite beautiful with its natural color scheme. I can almost hear the waves lapping the sand.
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I think it's absolutely beautiful just like this! The clouds are perfect!
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Hi Christal! This is so beautiful. You really captured that West Coast magic perfectly. I wouldn't change a thing. Best wishes, Linda
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Beautiful view with a fantastic deep to it. I like your composition and the true vivd colors. Amazing cloud formation in theis fine capture. Take good care my friend and all the best for the 2010 from Jannica
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