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Sightseeing on Potsdamer Platz


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the justaposition makes it for me Laurent...the compo make a story and that's what I like besides the graphics and colors...wonderful...
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i have a particular luv for East Berlin, Laurent, and am endeared toward these expressions on the sightseers; they're fascinated by Berlin, as they should be. My personal appreciation for a great capture. dp
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This made me smile, hearkening to some unconscious joke begging to be told. This couple with a bit of age on them, still seem a bit wide-eyed and wistful about the world, words describing scenes, wondering, traveling existentially. And that bland, blank-eyed building in the background. The straight man to the joke.
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I love the way the bold black details of the sightseeing buss do create a secondary frame and how the lovely yellow appears also on the couple's clothing. I also like that the buss and that building are joined by overlapping, and somehow the color and low local contrast of the facade make me see a sorta Lego Cloud there. Looking more carefully I notice some visual jokes -so to say: this buss appears to have all window ceiling and one can see the cast shadow on his forehead as extension of one of those window frames. The reflection of a street lamp do cross his chin and go to his shoulder, bending down to follow along his upper arm, giving sorta "anchoring" effect: "Sir, now you sit safely in our vehicle, enjoy the views of wonderfull Berlin." Sorry for the later part, this photo just make me longing back to Berlin - for the fourth time...


I'm marvelling your skills to turn this seemingly softly illuminated late afternoon scene into such crisp and delicious photo, up to your customary high finishing standards.


All in all an excellent photo. Please show us more of your take on Berlin, Laurent (provided you stayed there a longer time).

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Great to see some new work from you; this is a beauty, tourists in a brave new world. I got an e-mail from Laurent-Paul Robert and for some strange reason thought it was from you and sent of a rather lengthy reply before I realized my mistake. If I can, I'll send you that e-mail since it was addressed to you anyway. Poor Laurent-Paul must have been wondering what the hell I was talking about. Anyway, have a great new year, Regards, Jack
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Donna, thanks. It is the third time we've been to Berlin to visit the town. Berlin is certainly a wonderful city to visit.


Alex, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment, very much appreciated.


Jeff, thanks for your feelings about this pic. I always appreciate you insightful comments about what feelings and impressions a pic can evoke. A Happy New Year to you.


Markku, thanks a lot for your insightful comments. Your thoughts and friendship are always so much appreciated. I'll be glad to post a few other of my Berlin shots. I actually went there in early November, just one week before the celebration. I have plenty of shots I haven't had the time yet to process. I've felt kinda' lazy lately as far as photography is concerned.



Jack, Nice hearing from you. Thanks for the e-mail anyway. I've been away from Pnet for quite a while now, but it is always a pleasure to hear from old friends here. I wish you a Happy New Year and hope everything's fine over there in Osaka.

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funny picture with a geometrical distortion.. you caught their funny expressions in such a detail, it's kind of surreal, considering how far you were from them, and also we share with them some 'sightseeing' with this tower in the background, maybe why they are cynically smiling like " wow this is great architecture!" kind of.. :)
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Well it took me about 1.2 seconds to add this to my favorites. I admire your ability to make intelligent composition decisions to create odd but beautiful graphic compositions. It's visual candy and you are good for a sweet eye. Very pleasing work Laurent.
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