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The nun


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Greg Smith wrote:

I would have preferred more balance between the bg on the left & the bg on the right. I think the lack of seperation between subject and bg on the left is a pity.

Personally, I actually prefer it the way it is: this blending makes it more interesting / esoteric for me. If anything, I'd like model's hand to be more clearly separated. BTW, is it a self-portrait, Micu? -- you entitled your critique request "Me " -- if so, even more kudos to you!

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I agree with those who would like to see more separation from the bg on the left, but once seen I cannot say I wouldn't prefer it the way it is. Besides, it's hard to get past those eyes, and once past, the eyebrows, and if I can get beyond that, the lips stop me cold.

Remarkable shot.

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I agree with those who would like to see more separation from the bg on the left, but once seen I cannot say I wouldn't prefer it the way it is. Besides, it's hard to get past those eyes, and once past, the eyebrows, and if I can get beyond that, the lips stop me cold.

Remarkable shot.

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Micu... Congratulations on being chosen POW and remember that no matter how written, most of the comments are written to help.... :-). That said, I find this to be another of your very well produced self portraits, full of mystery and intrigue.... Mike


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Thank you so much,I appreciate your kind words and I appraciate all the critiquies from all the photographers.Thank you all!!

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A highly stylized portrait that is essentially very well done. I think there will be those that like it and those that don't because it is a very contrived image. Now, I don't use contrived in a bad way at all, it is what folks do in advertising to get a point across, get a model, put them in a situation that is not their normal state and photograph them=contrived.

Overall, I do think this is very well done. The wash out on the left is a very dramatic element here and informs the rest of the shot. The gaze is strong, but in some ways is also almost blank at the same time. Anyone starting out should be proud to do an image like this.

There are a few technical issues and some that have been mentioned. Attention to detail, especially in post is as important as the post work itself. I think the few strands of hair coming down in the center serve to break the mood of the image and make little sense to me. The wrinkles probably should have been gotten out of the sheet before you shot, but certainly they would be easily taken care of with a little cloning in post. Since we are so high-key here, it would be very easy as no texture needs to be matched. The dark line on the upper lip at the top should be blended in as well (right side). And then maybe a little work on the right eye where it is a bit uneven and dark underneath on the lid. The next thing might just be my monitor, but I do see a magenta cast here in the light grays, especially on the face and this could also be eliminated.

Why do I mention all of these little nits? Because when one does a highly stylized piece you throw yourself into another realm and it is a realm of perfection. Certainly this image is very nicely done, but so are many images. If you want to play in the game then you need to play the game and make it perfect.

Anyway, a very nice image.

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Does the face express high self esteem, is she prodigy no one can dominate?

Many answers can be considered. Great photo IMO.


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A very interesting high-key portrait. I would like to see a slight separation of the model from the background on the left side. Still a very good photo. Congrats.

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an interesting and high quality photo that worth being chosen the POW. i agree ArtX about the hair and the too big difference between the eyes, but these are minor problems, it is a great photo.

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The model is so pretty in the shot. Even though the hood makes me feel she is a nun, but in that posture she is too hot for a nun. I never wish the photographer took the shot in any other way, he must have his reason to do what he did. Maybe that is the posture that makes her look prettiest or to show the contrast of being religious and being attractive.

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this is a beautiful photo! thank you for sharing it with us! just the right amount of shadow in the veil to shape the face. good job!
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Striking photo. A lovely way to show the soft beauty of shades of white with the impact of the sharp darkness of the usually most important facial features. Like the whisper of a hand being there. I think it anchors the picture just enough so it isn't a head floating in space. I am viewing this on my laptop and can tilt it enough to bring in a darker background on the left. Not sure that darkening that would make it better. May actually distract from the main focal point. The impact is the face and the soft folds framing it. I'd have to live with it both ways for awhile to see which is better. Others have already spoke on clean up areas.

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Although not a fan of post-processing, if the wisps of hair were lost, and also the fingers, the eerie floating face effect within the white head-dress, itself merging with picture background/perimeter, would be even more successful. But how would one know at the time, so well done indeed. Regards, Keith

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I find this discussion very interesting, being new to anything other than using photography as "recording". I did not see any technical problems until I read others' views and I guess that means that, as one progresses, one's eyes become trained to look out for, in others' pics, what we would be alert for in our own. The image impacted on me and I found myself more interested in how the photographer saw herself, rather than post work and lighting. I saw the use of the background as intending to emphasise the face without too much distraction. Someone referred to a possible religious element (Audrey Hepburn in the Nun's Story springs to mind) and I can see a juxtaposition of the purity of white with a face that does not seem inclined to knuckle under and feel that perfection would work against this! It worked well for me. I would like to see the pic "photoshopped" with the comments taken into account to establish whether they would change how Joe Public (me) reacts to the shot.

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I find this to be quite a compelling image, despite what others see to be some minor imperfections. My first reaction to this image was a sense of calm; the high key treatment gives it a sense of purity. The wisp of hair on the forehead and the turned-in fingers add to the femininity of the expression. After looking a little longer, the lush lips and nearly animalistic focus in the eyes bely that sense of purity and you're left feeling almost nervous. Sort of like looking at a wolf in sheep's clothing kind of feeling. Whatever, this is a lovely picture and it demands attention. Nicely done.

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This is a great photo. It commands your attention and requires your response. It is art. Technical appreciation or processing prowess is secondary to the initial impact it has on anyone viewing it. Is it a PoW? Obviously!

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A self portrait? Impressive! Not sure I like that everything on the left seems to disappear completely, but somehow the photo still remains balanced. Excellent work! Congrats

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Great shot - overall uncomplicated and simple, yet one has to stop and investigate further because of the impact. Very nicely done.
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