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Sweet Little Doggy

Pierre Dumas


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Photographer's Request for Critique

--Pierre Dumas

Cute Little Doggy


We love dogs and they love us because of the same eyes and look! This beauty saw me for the first time in her life and look at that eyes full of love! Thanks buddies! PDE



Darius Tulbure [subscriber] , September 06, 2006; 01:01 A.M.


Very good portrait! I like the lighting and it`s sharpness. Not an average dog photo!


Conrado Maestro Carnero [Frequent poster] , November 12, 2006; 01:14 P.M.



Hola Pierre, para mi gusto personal esta es quizas una de tus mejores fotografias. Todo un estudio super artistico de la cabeza de un perro; con movimiento, buen encuadre, perfecta de luz y una gradacion de tonos excelente.


recibe mi mas sincera enhorabuena


un saludo


atte contecon


Damir Sacirovic , March 07, 2007; 07:44 P.M.


Well this is so sweet.


Prekrasno, mislim slika je savrsena. Nemam vise sta reci :D


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , March 08, 2007; 06:46 A.M. (edit | delete)

Thanks Damir, moj brate u tugjini, ha!


Hvala ti za lijepe komentare i ocjene! Bacca ti necce ostati duzhan!


Cheers to that, of course!




Torfinn Johannessen , March 08, 2007; 08:05 A.M.


A cute dog. Have you seen my last posting?




CT Pehlivan [subscriber] , March 11, 2007; 10:54 P.M.


Excellent Dog Portrait with excellent expression,colors,focus,sharpness and eyes:)


Biswajit Pandey , March 12, 2007; 12:13 A.M.


Very nice portrait Pierre, pure innocence in her eyes.




Daniele Airola , May 30, 2007; 11:56 A.M.



Great portrait! the vignetting is effective and works very well. BTW, Only few words about your comment here http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=6012209 I widely use black or white frames not only for aesthetic reasons but because I think that give a white (or a black) reference to the viewer helps his/her eyes while evaluating the image levels. Cheers.




Micki F. , September 26, 2007; 12:45 A.M.

I miss you so I have told myself I would study a picture of yours a day


I have picked this one. I went out and took many pictures of my dog the other day and she (as always) was eager to please me. She LOVES getting her picture taken by me. I am having a ball with my new found freedom of LIFE with a SLR camera. My new Lens has been fun (50mm f 1.8) but I am still so NEW to everything except for the post processing and manipulation in photo shopping SO I just have to get out there and CLICK away.


So, my MUSE my puppy and best friend CALLIE lets me click away. Your puppy nere is just like my Callie. Sweet and cute. Almost same colors but my Callie has half white face so I have to watch the WHITE out. I like to put her back into paint because she is so beautiful to work with in photoshop.


Looking at all the wonderful things you do is just like a dream.


I so glad you keep all your beautiful things still here on PN. Just glad that I can come and DREAM! You know we all still look. Maybe not comment but we are all still here ;)


missing you~ micki


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , September 27, 2007; 05:08 P.M. (edit | delete)

Hey Micki!


Sorry for the delay of this reply! I would have made you a list of the reasons I can't be active as I was and mailed it to you if I only could reach my mail-box! Ha, I already told you one of them! I will only remind you that the place of my residence is most likely the hell on earth. My server is only one of the criminals who run the place! See, now I don't have access to any of the mail servers, besides the record of a slow speed of 0,2 KB/sec! It is chaos here! No law, no justice, no efficiency...everything is going down deeper and deeper every minute! And all that with a support and help of your glorious government! Of course, I'm not that narrow minded to blame you, the decent American citizens for the hell around me! Bureaucracy is the real name of the cause of all troubles I've been in throughout my entire life! But we all expected some improvement when the guys from W DC "take over". On the contrary, it's much worse now! All the bad guys are free to do whatever they want! We also imported criminals from other countries. Much more skillful than our own! They make fortunes over night and people is dying all around for that sake. For your information - it is being called transition!


A face like this one, on the picture, is quite a relief for me! Dogs might not be much better than people, but they could never be so ruthless criminals neither.


I didn't and didn't ever intend to cut out my portfolio! The pictures are here to stay and I am also available for anything my friends could need me for! Just call and I'm there!


Cheers to that!




Satheesh Nair [subscriber] , December 09, 2007; 05:09 A.M.


Just perfect!!!


Lauren Partida [subscriber] , February 11, 2008; 12:49 A.M.


I almost wept when I saw this picture-he reminds me of my black and whitey. What a beautiful portrait, and his eyes are so soulful. Dogs have no deciept, they are so honest and simple. This is wonderful, Pierre!!!! lauren


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , February 11, 2008; 01:38 A.M. (edit | delete)



...this was the dog of my principal, and my neighbor! Unfortunately he died in a car accident as I was told not so long time ago. It made me so unhappy!




Maria Di Liegro [subscriber] , April 09, 2008; 01:01 A.M.


Oh, what a beautiful dog! Your story about her owner is very, very sad. You have text in the upper left corner of the photo. What language is that and what does it say?


This photo is a treasure!


Regards, Maria


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , April 09, 2008; 06:48 A.M. (edit | delete)



It's Serbian and means "Cute little doggy, dear doggy"! Thank you for coming!




Maria Di Liegro [subscriber] , April 09, 2008; 10:33 A.M.


Thanks for the answer. That's very sweet!


Aleksandra Jovanovic , June 08, 2008; 05:05 A.M.


Kada bi mi neko ponudio neke silne pare da nadjem na ovoj slici bilo sta sto bi trebalo promijeniti, progutala bih knedlu i ostala bez para, jer je ova slika savrsena.. Mogla bih sad napisati citav esej o ovoj slici, ali cu se samo ograniciti na 7/7 ... vjerujem bice dovoljno :)) Aleksa


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , June 08, 2008; 05:34 A.M. (edit | delete)

Ah kako vi Srbi znate srochiti misao u rechenicu, ha!


Ja mnogo volim sedmice, ali mi je drazha ova tvoja govorancija od sedmica! Moja sekica koja zhivi u Beogradu (Zemunu ustvari) isto tako pricha! A moj bacca iz Borche je nenadmashiv! Njegov tata da ga Bog prosti je isto tako bio akrobat rechi imisli!


Hvala ti na poseti i dogji mi opet da me raspolozhish!




Aleksandra Jovanovic , June 08, 2008; 07:32 A.M.


Pa ako ista znamo, to je onda dobro pricati :)) Salu na stranu, samo ti nastavi da objavljujes ovakve fotografije i imaces prilike jos cuda svakojakih da cujes od mene odusevljene! A.


Christal Steele [subscriber] [Frequent poster] , July 26, 2008; 01:39 P.M.



I thought I had commented on this before, but apparently not. Don't you just melt when you look into those eyes! This is a very sweet portrait. I absolutely love the halo effect around his head. Michael Mancil has a very similar photo entitled 'Maggie'. You may want to check it out. Thanks for your recent comment and rating on my sand dune picture.


Ton Mestrom [Frequent poster] , August 25, 2008; 05:36 P.M.



you're right. Dogs are great friends but they are not that easy to photograph. You did exceptionally well here. Great dog, great photo.


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , August 27, 2008; 03:56 A.M. (edit | delete)

Aleksandra, Cynthia and Ton


Thank you for your contribution with a certain delay!


Thank you Ton on time (almost). I miss some comments when there is crowd, there are only five on my work space shown and if there were more than five I can't possibly know about the rest!


Thank you all again!




Diego Bardone [subscriber] , September 01, 2008; 02:18 P.M.


Sorry Pierre have to write on this one too, so here is a very belated...Wow! great shoot, it is so perfect and totally sweet. Congrats!!


Pierre Dumas [Frequent poster] , September 01, 2008; 02:40 P.M. (edit | delete)

Welcome Diego!


You do not have nothing to sorry about Diego?! Even if you were obliged to return me back my comment there isn't any delay in it, ha! Thank you for your comment and come sometimes again! Thank you for the big ones too, of course!




Ceylan Atuk [subscriber] [Current POW Recipient] , September 22, 2008; 03:54 P.M.



this one is excellent...


Xenia Pérez [subscriber] , February 09, 2009; 05:01 A.M.


What a beautiful pic! great lighting and angle, love it so much!!

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Pozdrav,Pierre..! Eto pišem ti na hrvatskome jer me jako koči engleski,kojega zapravo i ne znam,iako podosta ga shvaćam,kako govorim inače talijanski ...Najprije hvala na komentaru za Way.Ovu fotografiju sam već od prije pohranio na mom PC-u,sa ostalim fotkama koje mi se dopadaju,sad ne znam dali je moguće da je bila i sa 1xcom-a ili odavdje,nebitno.Uglavnom ja imao psa sličnog ovome,tako da me fotografija podsjeća na njega.Fenomenalan portret.A subjekt najzaslužniji.Pročitao tvoj portfolio...ukratko-moj 1. aparat Smena 8...Stroj za povećavanje-UPA 6. pa Zenit... ;-)Skoro sve isto...Eto,još jednom osvrt na ovaj portret-ovakav pogled može samo pas dati,ne treba mu riječ ni govor...
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A very nice photo of a dog. This is something I like - Almost white,grey and black with a liittle color (on the dogs eyes-nice sharpness). Nice composition too.


Torsten S.

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Greet Pierre,

Beautiful pure for analysis dog soul, gorgeous....a little sad bud, no?.. .successful work.

Krásná čistá psí duše, nádherná....trochu smutné očko, ne?...vydařené dílo.


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As a huge animal lover I really enjoy the personality expressed by the dog in this photo. It seems as if he/she is purposely trying to exhibit a "somber model" expression! Great capture!


Thank you for all the comments as well!


Take care,


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I took a lesson from you, Pierre! I wanted to see how you depict pets. I found this wonderful very expressive photograph of a dog. Bravo! Sincerely, Tatiana
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