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© Copyright 2009, Giuseppe Pasquali, All Rights Reserved

Ponte Sisto



© Copyright 2009, Giuseppe Pasquali, All Rights Reserved

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Recommended Comments

The tone you choosed, a l bit of seppia , gives the image a peacefull aspect.

The texture of the walls , floor in first plan are great , takking us to the beautiful landscape. Ciao. MF

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Bellissimo scorcio con una altrettanto buona prospettiva. toni soggetti e composizione molto ben bilanciata. Ottimo lavoro.

Wonderful insight with an equally good perspective. subjects and tones very well balanced composition. Good work.


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A solitary man stands watching in the distance, reduced in scale but not in value, a visitor to that dusty bank where nearly forgotten memories are stored. This is a wonderful picture, Giuseppe; the more I look at it, the better I like it.
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and ratings. Your encouraging words have made me happy, while I still have a doubt: is this work really worth 3 (anonim.) on originality? Thanks so much, ciao, Giuseppe
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Perfectly composed image Giuseppe from a nice view point and with great depth..........

The successive, well written layers up to the far beautiful building, are the strongest point of your image.........

Also detailed textures in the stonework and rich earthy color tones..........

Very successful indeed….my warm congrats.


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I was really impressed by your appreciation.

Maurizio gave me a different point of view on this work of mines: I smiled when I read "A lamp climbing the stairs. Bellissima.". :-) Well, let me give him 7/7 for his comment that is both an undeserved compliment for my photo and a homage to the Surrealist movement to which ideas my photography owes so much.

Some historical informations from Wikipedia: "Ponte Sisto is a footbridge in Rome's historic centre, spanning the river Tiber. It connects Via del Pettinari in the Rione of Regola to Piazza Trilussa in Trastevere. The current bridge was built by Pope Sixtus IV between 1473 and 1479 as a replacement of a prior Roman bridge named Pons Aurelius."


Ciao e grazie, Giuseppe

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Wonderful image Guiseppe, beautiful texture and the toning add to the old world feel of it. Does it need the figure standing on the left, or the grafitti? Well done. Pat
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This picture is very original, indeed. At least to me and keeping into account the elves instructions to evaluate the "originality" parameter. I mean: it0s the very first time that I see the picture of a bridge without seeing any bridge at all in the picture. On the other hand I suppose that thi thought is too sophisticated for those that rate with 3s without any explanation.




PS: actually you shouldn't care about only one 3, even from a stat viewpoint!

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Suas fotos de Roma levam o espectador a conhecer o interior desta cidade , de forma diferente e única . Há um "tempero" nestas imagens; seja pela composição, seja pelos tons e também pelo olhar de alguém que nota-se ter muito orgulho de seu país. Quem deu 3.3 na originalidade, certamente não deve compreender a arte da Fotografia .
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again for your interest in my works.

Pat, I shot this one as soon as I saw the tourist on the left side taking a fixed position while staring at some distant people walking on the opposite bank. In the early morning this was sort of an unreal scene (and the good diffused light enhanced the mood);

Mauro, thanks a lot for your support on "originality". I am usually very confident on my shooting criteria (after so many years ...) but sometimes I am still amazed by anonymous very low raters and their aesthetic criteria (if any);

Marianne, your comment made me happy and made me wonder once again about my photographic motivations and drives. I still keep walking the streets of Rome because I see this City as something to discover and "make mine". I was born and rised in Livorno, a seaside town in Tuscany. At the age of 36 I moved to Rome. This was a dramatic change: I still miss the salty winds and the big white waves while I struggle in traffic jams and pollution. Rome has a peculiar, mysterious fascination that I strongly feel and is often reflected in my works.

Thank you so much my friends, ciao, Giuseppe

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Giuseppe, Compliments! This is another wonderful photo! I very much love the tones you gave it, and the slightly hazy distance view. The mood here is great. The man stands at the perfect spot too -- I only feel that the space on the left feels a bit 'tight"-- was it possible to crop it a tiny bit less..? ( = Imho) With kind regards, Marjolein
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Bello scorcio, ottime le linee prospettiche che danno profondità all'immagine, bello il tono b/n scelto, un foto di grande atmosfera!
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love the mood of this picture. very european flare! take care samme
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Marjolein, I cropped the photo in order to keep out of the frame the left and right portions of the parapets. It was a small crop and doing that, while maintaining the proportions, I had to stay tight to the left. The crop is a very small one, but imho it was of great visual importance, because eliminating the left and right visual borders the viewers attention is (naturally?) brought toward the lamp.

Fabrizio, Samme, Dan, I am really happy you liked the mood and composition of this work. The attitude of the standing man was a contagious one! After the shot, I rested on the parapet for a few minutes contemplating the river.

Grazie e ciao, Giuseppe

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