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paolo de faveri

Five images stacked. 15" f11 each.

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Excellent really just super, the five shots multiple exsposures to get the muttliple lightning strikes is really a super technique. You have carried it out perfectly fantastic scene. Clouds and see look really super as well.
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Hola Paolo: espectacular tormenta y muy buen tratamiento del cielo. Se merece 7/7, pero no me deja y en el rate no te encuentro. Así que no te puntuaré para no bajarte el promedio.

En cuanto a tus comentarios: gracias, tienes razón en lo del cielo, es cierto que molesta. No me di cuenta, me perdi en otros detalles.

He estado revisando tu portafolios y es fantástico, me gustan mucho las escenas de agua y como las editas. También los bw me parecen fantásticos. Por cierto, los del lago magiore están en la zona de Verbania?.

Para que no quede todo muy adulador, un pequeño comentario critico: los colores de la colección del Valle d'Aosta no me acaban de gustar, en cambi, la de bw la encuentro maravillosa.

te seguiré de cerca.


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Your efforts certainly paid off Paolo.....stunning image...one day perhaps I'll aspire to the level of expertise you've attained......if I did I would certainly have a smile on my face..........just beautiful..congrats, Gail
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Please note the following:

  • This image has been selected for discussion. It is not necessarily the "best" picture the Elves have seen this week, nor is it a contest.
  • Discussion of photo.net policy, including the choice of Photograph of the Week should not take place here, but in the Help & Questions Forum.
  • The About Photograph of the Week page tells you more about this feature of photo.net.
  • Before writing a contribution to this thread, please consider our reason for having this forum: to help people learn about photography. Visitors have browsed the gallery, found a few striking images and want to know things like why is it a good picture, why does it work? Or, indeed, why doesn't it work, or how could it be improved? Try to answer such questions with your contribution.
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When I look at a photo like this, a "natural" landscape, and immediately know that it is a composite, it just lost the battle.

There are a lot of things that are nice here, but the forced "reality" just pulls it all down for me. The clouds are really quite gorgeous and are presented with a lot of depth and clarity. The sky in the upper right needs some work to get rid of the garrish orange/red digital rollover that is starting to slip in, but it is not too bad as it is--it looks worse in the smaller version. The island has nice detail and although I am not a big fan of the smoothed out water look, there are many nice things going on here in the water. But at the same time, I am not so sure that the highlights on the water are matching up well with what is going on in the sky or at the horizon. When doing composites, you have to remember physics!

But when we get to the horizon, that is where it falls apart for me. I am even having difficulty figuring out which of the lightning strikes is the real one--in the base image, if it is any of them? It just feels to me that that whole area has been pasted in, not altogether terribly, but not very convincingly either. But if in fact there was a strike in the shot where the clouds and water came from, I might have allowed that to be enough. Less is certainly more in many cases. But as I said, I don't see the water and the sky matching up, so they probably aren't from the same shot either.

I guess I prefer my landscapes like my scotch, neat!

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Many thanks to the PN Elves for selecting a landscape (seascape) image for discussion this week.
A majority of the POW's escape my attention, because I suffer from a bias towards landscaping.
Paolo should be credited for disclosing the details of this particular capture.
A composite for sure, but quite an effective one, at that...
However, the following two attachments will demonstrate my thoughts about this image.


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It looks beautiful but when I enlarged this image and the centre came more clear to me , I found this is a compenation of two different images, the sky is not related to the forground and even there is a line of seperation is very clear and can easly been seen with naked eye, this line is the effect of photo shop joining two different images of two different exposures.

It look nice still .

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I tried to correct my input here but that was not possible because of the system, the lightning unfortunatly is false and ending no where , this is another reason why this image is not real.

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No queda nada mal con ese recorte, lo que ocurre que en la versión original y manteniendo la zona de agua de menor interés, nos aleja el punto de interés mostrándolo algo más lejano y rodeado de agua, lo cual también, bajo mi punto de vista la dota de atractivo, pues nos presenta una isla en medio de la nada o mejor dicho del océano.
Es una gran foto y dará de si en diferentes formatos :).
Enhorabuena, Paolo, por el merecido galardón!.
Mágica y preciosa toma y momento, personalmente que sea real o no, es algo que no me afecta, de hecho sulen gustarme y suelo hacer y presentar fotos con un toque de irrealidad, eso me gusta mucho :).

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Come non essere daccordo con il riconoscimento che quest'immagine ha meritato? Mi fa molto piacere veder premiate foto come questa che rispecchiano tutto ciò che una foto può trasmettere, forza, colore, eleganza, situazione irripetibile... a differenza però, perdona il mio sfogo fuori luogo, del voto anonimo che viene permesso su questa comunità, incomprensibile.
Grazie per il tuo commento ad una mia foto, l'ho molto gradito e grazie per aver parlato italiano visto che con l'inglese faccio non poca fatica. :)
Sinceri complimenti. Un caro saluto e a presto.

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