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Love the texture in this picture! And the B&W makes it even more appealing! 7/7!


Not to be off topic though, but I really want to skate that!

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Each time I've gone through the "Best" pages the last couple of days I've stopped and looked at this photo. I like the repeating shapes and it works well as a B&W photo. Nice perspective and very well done!
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Oh Gosh! What a mind game you've done!! A formidable concept turned in shapes, light and shadows. Chapeau!
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Please note the following:

  • This image has been selected for discussion. It is not necessarily the "best" picture the Elves have seen this week, nor is it a contest.
  • Discussion of photo.net policy, including the choice of Photograph of the Week should not take place here, but in the Help & Questions Forum.
  • The About Photograph of the Week page tells you more about this feature of photo.net.
  • Before writing a contribution to this thread, please consider our reason for having this forum: to help people learn about photography. Visitors have browsed the gallery, found a few striking images and want to know things like why is it a good picture, why does it work? Or, indeed, why doesn't it work, or how could it be improved? Try to answer such questions with your contribution.
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This is certainly a well seen image, celebrating roundness. High marks for seeing it and making the photograph.

On the other hand, as I am perhaps one of the square pegs in life, beyond the well seen geometry of these round holes, I'm not getting anything else.

I also can't think of a good reason why the top right corner wasn't burned to match the other three.

I think it falls short of capturing the potential of its subject matter.

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I like the previous comment on the celebration of roundness.
I really like the off center composition driving the visual rhythm of the image - it has a pleasing rocking-back-and-forth feel. Well chosen vantage point to bring the viewer into the composition.
Well seen too. I assume those are trees n the background and these pipes are large? They seem extremely well placed for a photograph - screaming for someone to compose them into an image. Great job.

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I also can't think of a good reason why the top right corner wasn't burned to match the other three.

Hmmm... looking at the shadows in the next pipe, the "burning" seems to reflect the natural shadow pattern? This didn't bother me so much. Not sure uniform burning of corners warranted here.

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Another WELL SEEN from Willie the Cropper. I agree with Doug's comment that the upper right doesn't look quite right, nor does the extreme right center where there is a blob of something. Can't tell just what. Both areas could be fixed with a couple of minutes work with PhotoShop or other picture programs.
Beepy mentions the back and forth feel of the image and I couldn't agree more. Very nice composition. I am drawn into the work.

Willie the Cropper

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Strong shot according to the composition,well seen and selection of subject...Great b&w.


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As I look at this image, I find it a nice example of the use of the design elements of rhythm and repetition in creating an image. We are led back into the image, bouncing between the circles and side to side as we go. What I like is not only that this has been well seen and executed, but it also documents how man works naturally with a certain sense of harmony and innate design, even in fairly elemental activities.

I wonder if the upper right corner burn mentioned here is not more of a nit than a true issue. Does anyone really feel that they are being thrust up and out of the frame here? I would think not, this is pretty much, as one can see looking into the next cylinder down, just how the light was falling here in all the corners. Sure, maybe it could have been stengthened to match the others, but I don't think it does draw the eye out or causes the rhythm here to be broken up. Also, having a bit of the radial detail. missing in the other corners, serves the image to some degree and eliminates what otherwise might start to look like a contrived framing device versus allowing us to clearly understand that we are looking form within one of these cylinders.

Photographs of found objects, versus images we set up and control, will always have some issues that we might like to have seen eliminated, but sometimes these same things remind us that it is the real world. The partial intrusions of adjacent pipes on the right side of the first two junctions break the rhythm just slightly as does what I assume is a stabilizing stick just left of center. But these are minor and could be dealt with if deemed an issue of significance. The only thing I think I might consider for sure would be to clone out the little white spots that appear on the bottom edge of the framing cylinder. These, probably water droplets, do somewhat break up the smooth, slick feel that is pervasive otherwise. What appears like spray paint on the first edge might also be addressed, depending on how one might feel about it.

Overall, however, I do feel that this is a very nicely seen image and one that was well executed.

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It's a good abstract image, but am I in a timeslip? This image was uploaded on the 25th March,2007!! Must go and lie down in case it's going to be another long week!! Confused, Tina.

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Tina - First - This forum is for photo critiques and non-critiques as well as short congrats statements or short negative statements without critiques are deleted.. There is a thread about the rules in Patrick's intro. However, let me make a point about the Photo of the Week for anyone else who is confused.

1) it is not a contest. It's just an image the elves decided would be the best choice from the nominated images for a discussion.

2) It is not, contrary to popular belief, chosen from the top photos or recent photos. It is not the photo uploaded this week - for discussion. It is the photo - found on photo.net with no restrictions of time or popularity to be discussed this week.

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