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tortured by self


Details remain details and what is bad in my mind remain bad anyway after one technical introspection...

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Powerful, Expressivity to its maximum, ideal colors to reflect the internal revolutions and turmoils. Excellent and dynamic composition.
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Daca as avea posibilitatile tale de exprimare, as scrie un eseu de doua pagini,mai ales ca intr-o indepartata vreme l-am citit cu indarjire pe Freud.

Dar deoarece limbajului meu ii lipseste dimensiunea metaforica , o sa-ti

spun ca rareori am vazut o asa compozitie , ca estetic si tehnic este ireprosabila , si ca incarcatura onirica este coplesitoare.

Peste o saptamana am liber la rating , o sa ma intorc, fiindca realmente trebuie sa-ti dau 7 . Cu sinceritate,



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because there is nothing worse than the torments inflicted by one's own superego and unconsciousness... the idea is masterfully presented here, disturbing and captivating in the same time (not allowed to rate you 7...)
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I really admire what you do withe (one would say) a not very expensive camera. You are very talented. I like the climate of this photo. I feel observed and attracted at the same time. A piece of a very good job.
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Why is he scared when there is nothing to fear

Why does he cry when there is no reason for a tear


Why can't he die when there is no reason to live

And why does he share when he has nothing to give


Why does he hurt when he can no longer feel pain

Why is he different when everyone else is the same


Why does he try when no one else will

Why does it seem fake when everything else is so real


Why does he care when everyone else don't

Why does he help others when no one else won't


Why does he bleed when he has no visible cuts

Why does he have the answers when all they have are the "whats" ?

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