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© My blog: http://olegti.wordpress.com/

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Recommended Comments

It is certainly eye catching. I would have liked to see the boots right on the edge of the frame rather than leaving the frame the way they do. Don't get me wrong. This is a very good shot.
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Impressive and very personal (original) composition. A very strong impression. The combination of BW and color looks rather very wel balanced and in harmony.

Only very tiny point of improvement could, in my humble opinion, be the lowering in light intensity of the withe tones. I agree it ads to the dynamic and expressiveness of your photo, but for me .. I have the reflex to turn my eyes away from your center of interest to escape the light.

No critique, just in search of absolute perfection.


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Would like to know if there is any special equipment needed for this effect. Can this be done with a standard 18-135mm lens or does it take a different lens and/or some PS work?
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Great use of wide angle lens, great subject, great background and whole environment, great pose and beautiful model so well posed! Bravo Oleg! Cheers!



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Oh my god... this is madness!... this light contrasts combined with composition and 16mm gives a fantastic motion to this picture...
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Please note the following:

  • This image has been selected for discussion. It is not necessarily the "best" picture the Elves have seen this week, nor is it a contest.
  • Discussion of photo.net policy, including the choice of Photograph of the Week should not take place here, but in the Help & Questions Forum.
  • The About Photograph of the Week page tells you more about this feature of photo.net.
  • Before writing a contribution to this thread, please consider our reason for having this forum: to help people learn about photography. Visitors have browsed the gallery, found a few striking images and want to know things like why is it a good picture, why does it work? Or, indeed, why doesn't it work, or how could it be improved? Try to answer such questions with your contribution.
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Can't be called a real madonnish "crotch shot," since the model has demurely pulled her skirt. Most prominent feature, one that catch my attention anyway, Oleg, are Alana's well broken- in, manly, tooled leather boots. Literally, socially, if you will, culturally distant from her buttery leather jacket. "Made for walkin' boots place this image for me out of your standard 'Neiman Marcus Catalog' fashion category from what little I know of that photo world...
That ,plus the extreme angle and down-on- the- deck shooting level. Unusual and interesting choices. And perhaps hard to place a quick subjective value on the effect or style. Interesting for darn sure for discussion .

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The boots are so deformed from the wide angle lens; they produce an uncomfortable feeling within me. Also the hand in the middle, we all know the reason why it is there, is really distraction since it is center of the photo. It is like this, my eyes follow the model’s boots, legs and then her hand and then I understand why the model’s hand is placed there. Then the hand is no longer are part of the photograph, but like a safety pin the clothing stylist would use. The clothing stylist could have corrected this problem and the model's hand is free to be somewhere else. Also the light stand on the right going through her leg is bothers me too.

I do enjoy the overall color treatment of the photograph, it is outstanding.


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I like the use of the wide angles lens in this and the mono colour processing, the moody sky works well with the image. The legs give a good lead in to the image but the hand holding the skirt closed seem to draw your attention away from the rest of the great image

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Interesting for darn sure for discussion.

I'm sorry, Gary, but nothing about it makes me want to discuss it or to look at it. What have we come to on this forum? To me this is an absolute, bona fide monstrosity. I thought that it was a caricature of some sort, but even as a caricature it falls short.


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