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Vamsi: The shadows seemed delicious and cooperated nicely.



Rashed: Thanks for your thoughts.



Andrea: They do grow fast. Gabi's fifth b-day is tomorrow. Rest assured, I have many shots with which to torture her during adolescence.



Jay: I dream of an afternoon off just to meander and shoot. If the spirits cooperate, I may just take you up on your offer.



Pascal: Here's my recent creative process. I'll see some shadow or weirdness around the house that looks interesting, and I'll rush to get my camera. These days, I usually have about ten whole minutes of shooting before I'm called away on some matter. I'll hear a crash or a scream or evil laughter, and I'll rush around the house until I find the source of the commotion. Typically, my twosome are up to no good. There's always photographic evidence of their wrongdoing at the end of my brief photo shoot. Anyhow, the kids provide a constant source of challenge and beauty. In psychology, there's something called the Hawthorne Effect in which the act of observing a situation changes it. But she is watching me. Who is making whom, my friend?



Amal: Gratefully received.



Gordon: I'm having an issue with profiling my Mac appropriately. I'm noting that things look smooth and adequate on screen, but then look blocky when printed. I don't see the artifact you mentioned, but I'll take your word for it. If I get a spare minute, I intend to recalibrate my monitor to see if I can fix the problem. Congrats again on your abstract success, so well-deserved.



Joke: I changed my name for privacy's sake. The "S" stands for "Sainted" or "Superstar." I haven't decided yet.



Nadya: Thanks so much.



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What emotion you've captured with such wonderful simplicity! I can' stop looking at it....adding it to my favorites!!
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Such are the challenges of viewing photos on a monitor. As you have suggested the relevance of any observation ultimately lies with how the file prints. My monitor is calibrated but it is still possibly presenting me with a different version. I sometime have other members point out small nits and cannot see them on my monitor and other times I can see them but had overlooked them during my PP. I mentioned the blockiness only in case it had been the latter case.


The more I look at this the more charm and warmth I find coming from the photo. As I have mentioned to you before some of your work seems to hearken back to the portrait artists of the turn of the century, Eugene Smith comes to mind in this instance.


Thanks for the further congrats and for the generous comment you left on the featured member article.

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I have visited this one a couple of times and I must tell you that I have used it rather selfishly: I've had little journeys to my past using this photo as a key/ticket ... I was with the kids... and... I remembered my mistakes. Now, in your daughter's face I read messages written by myself to myself. Some, may be hard to swallow...

And, your words "For now, there's such joy in digital photography. I hear "DADDY!!!" in the background, and I can quickly hit the save button and run to the rescue " also rescue me...

Thanks, Jeff.

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