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Hey Jeff. You made me think. When i saw this i tried to remember ever shooting a flower from behind. I can't. Simple idea, get into the flowers perspective. After all light is their thing to.. I like the understated treatment belying what may well have been an explosion of color.Your diversity appears to be unlimited. I just took a refresher glance at your portfolio.


Kirk, I had to chuckle devilishly when i read your last comment to Fred. (if it took the meaning right) Fred has been my grammar teacher for many years. To his chagrin.

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Fred, should we separate photographs from their titles? Aren't they part of a work?


Given your question, without the title I respond to this as an understated projection of beauty and joy. It's absolutely delightful because this sunflower is in harmony with its surroundings, basking in sunshine even though around it is grey. The flower reaches up to sunshine, and the graceful petals present like hands trying to catch drops of it. Even the fine hair on the stem keeps this "grounded," delicate, fresh. The flower does not battle for attention; it's the focus but one in a field. The little lights look magical in a field with a hint of an earthy tone. It is at once a living monument to reaching out for life and being celebrated as beautiful.


It projects the same message as Jeff's title.


What do you think?





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Thanks. You expressed your take on the photo beautifully and I really appreciate hearing it. As for what I think . . . about the photo, it's expressed in my previous comments here . . . about titles, sometimes they feel a part of a work, sometimes not. I had read your comment here before you edited it and you talked about "leading the viewer" which I think is a really great discussion in

itself . . . the various ways we lead or don't lead viewers, whether and how those methods work, how specific and how ambiguous we are when we lead, etc. A great topic for a forum sometime. Very thought-provoking. Thanks for a productive back and forth.

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Love the contrast. What is it about B/W flower shots? No matter how many I do, or see, they always seem to draw emotion. I can almost feel the plant reaching out towards the light. Cool!
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Hi Jeff- Beautiful piece. Great perspective and a wonderful conversion. Fitting choice for an interesting b/w. Regards-Jim
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I like this image on many levels. But after reading through the comments, I knew I could add nothing fresh or original to the conversation. So I decided simply to add it to my favorites folder and enjoy it without analysis as nothing more than a beautifully evocative image that I wish to see more than once.
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the title goes so well to the melancholic-with-hope mood of this image Jeff...the flower is facing a world of gray and about to fight against it...that's how I see it...
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This image exudes life. Can't think of a better way to express my feelings towards this capture. Great work as usual. Hope all's well with you.



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After the deep perceptions and detailed analogys of this image my own simple interpretation seems somewhat inadequate, but here goes anyway.

A simple elegance, that depicts strength and resolution, a light and radiance amongst the gloom and murk, an inspiration to cling to, an iconic symbol of hope and regeneration, the power of light, the essence of creation.

Thought provoking without losing any aesthetic appeal!



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Jeff, this is beautiful! How did I ever miss this one? The light is simply wonderful! Another of yours which is going into my faves! Thank you for sharing. :)

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I love the way Donna described this one Jeff...I find this most beautiful and wish I had noticed it in 2009. the sunflower almost seems to be floating, or travelling towards a 'surreal realm', as if beconed.  Just lovely. My kindest regards, Gail

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I note so many comments before mine -- & deservingly so, as it's a picture that conveys a strong mood. It is beautifully composed -- deceptively simple & straightforward...  I especially like the way you photographed the sun flower from behind; it somehow enhances its impact for me. Your understated title for this seems very fitting. 

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great shot.  probably not at the end for long.  you got a lot of punch in the whites.  that can be tricky, given how cameras are set up to bring up the shadows and compress the whites.  best, j

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