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This is a compelling picture, both in terms of construction and story. It seems the kind of scene that would be key thematic image of an intelligent movie.
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this is not the first time Jack gets on my nerves Wieslaw. I swear I was gonna comment precisely the same way, word per word per word, everything he said above, every single word he wrote, the nuanced allusion to film, etc. . . But once again he beat me to it.
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I like all your last 3 uploads,but this is really special.The jaxtaposition of two kinds of movements....The differences of shadow kinds and placements on the scene. Very nice timing and interesting composition, as well as B/W execution.
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First off let me take this opportunity to berate Jack for being too insightful and too fast.... just kidding of course, however truth be told Jack does know how to pick them. A person could follow him around PN to find the most compelling images.


I like that the actual physical man is darker than his shadow. The three other human shadows seem somehow sinister to me, I think this arises from those people being implied but not illuminated, lurking in the shadows as it were. The static shadow cast upon the moving vehicle sets up an uneasy relationship which pulls my eye to that spot the moment I look at the photo. This image is a great launching point for the imagination -- an open ended story with a multitude of possible plot progressions.

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a speeding bus at pedestrian crossing... the only real man's shadow isolated on the blur of the rushing vehicle passing-by... three shadows observing... this is 'seeing' and this is composition! a graphic story...
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Wieslaw, after all those comments I can only add congrats and thanks! Congrats for your talent and good eye...and thanks for sharing and for provoking our imagination....outstanding! Kind regards, Luis
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for sharing your feedback. Like your sense of humor here, must admit life isn't easy for Jack here on PN, for all the support, comments, works he shares with us only nagging and grumbling in return:-}.


Jack – your comment partly explains why I first wanted to title this shot 'Matrix', was my gut reaction, I guess, to b&w conversion which gave indeed a movie feel here, as I thought 'Matrix' somehow farfetched I quitted the idea and decided on 'Isolation' as a safer choice which conveys my main impression about the feelings here. Like however that you and your friends refer to movie in your comments.


Carlos – thank you for letting me know you are of the same mind ...;-}


Pnina – glad you point out the timing here, luckily the bus was the only component on the move.


Alon – nice to know you like it.


Gordon – welcome, one of the doubts about this shot was whether all the 'effects' in the picture wouldn't stop viewers from getting deeper into its subject, it's reassuring you pay attention not only to composition and tricks here but also see the potential for imagination.


Rajat – couldn't agree more, the man and his shadow look indeed isolated, though physically close to the commuters on the bus and the three shadows, he seems to be far away from them.


Luis – welcome, believing Gordon I hope you'll enjoy developing the scene in your imagination:-}


Andrea – a big thank you for finding optimism in this story:-}


My best regards to you all.

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The most artistic presentation of the day to me. The effect of the running motion along with the shadows and the lonely man in an outstanding tonal is amazing. All the best. Rgds.
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when a photographer like you comment on my shot using the word 'artistic', it's got a special meaning to me. Thanks a lot, regards.
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This is certainly among the best images I have seen lately.

As a late commenter, I have nothing to add to the excellent comments above, which I read with pleasure.

I guess, of the three shadows on the right, yours was the one in the middle. Right?

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thank you for visiting.


Bulent – I took this shot while being on a city walk with my two nephews (8 and 16) and indeed the three shadows are just our reflections, it's logical mine should be the one in the middle as it looks like a shadow of a photographer in action but actually it isn't, belongs to the younger boy who lay his head on a little metal barrier to watch all the traffic below. It's misleading I know but my shadow is on the right, I had wanted all the three heads to be reflected on a white stripe of the zebra crossing so I put my camera on the barrier, prepared the composition and then lifted my head and waited for the right moment. The middle, as if 'headless' shadow spoils the composition a bit imho but your question makes me realize it may also give, without my intent, the opportunity to play with a viewer:-}. Thanks a lot for your visit and question.


Gunnar – thank you for your kind words.


Best regards to you.

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Brilliant, insightful work . . .


I will bow to the experts who already have posted comments. They, as a whole, speak for me as well, although they didn't know that.


My best,




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Wieslaw, Just in case you happen to be on line, I wanted to let you know that I absolutely love your above photo & I'm dumbfounded as to why I never clicked on it before.. It has a cinematic feel to it indeed & contains a great story..! Wonderful work, an immediate favorite. Hope that you are doing very well. (and keep on clicking!) You are one of the few people whose presence I surely miss on this site. Kind regards to you, Marjolein

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somehow - by lack of consistency, I reckon - I missed this photography.

it is between photography and visual art, almost a set-up. I struggle with its prevailing mode, yet I do find it good. 

what is the eclipsed ellipse in middle please?

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