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© Copyright Sieren Photography Inc.

A Sky Pilot's View


Nothing grows higher than a Sky Pilot in the Sierra Nevada. Growing right of the scree slopes of Agassiz staring at the Dusy Basin and off into LeConte Canyon in the distance. The rocks just bounce off these little dense bush like flowers only centimeters tall. Guess you can say I appreciate the smaller things in life.
Sky Pilot's is also a common name for a person leading other's to heaven. Not trying to say I'm taking you there but it's as close as you can get on your own 2 legs in California.
f22 2 sec iso 100
24-105mm L IS 5DMII


© Copyright Sieren Photography Inc.

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Nothing grows higher than a Sky Pilot in the Sierra Nevada. Growing

right of the scree slopes of Agassiz staring at the Dusy Basin and off

into LeConte Canyon in the distance. The rocks just bounce off these

little dense bush like flowers that are only centimeters tall. Guess you

can say I appreciate the smaller things in life.


Sky Pilot's is also a common name for a person leading other's to

heaven. Not trying to say I'm taking you there but it's as close as you

can get on your own 2 legs in the mountains of California.


f22 2 sec iso 100

24-105mm L IS


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Excellent depth of field and beautiful colors. I like how the color of the flowers echoes the color of the sky!
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I like the contrasting colors, the depth of field is great, and it is quite scenic. I like the photo a lot. I also want to thank you for posting the f-stop exposure and such because it helps people like me be a better photographer. So great photo and thanks.
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Guest Guest


I can feel the altitude so much here almost as if I'm falling off the cliff. Great way to bring in some of the senses beside just plain old sight.
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Steve: This is just a lovely shot. Rarely do you see an image that evokes fond memories (in this case of the mountains in spring or early summer), is visually so pleasing, and so well executed that you never think about the photo. So often when I look at a photograph something about the composition, the tonality, or some aspect catches my eye. That did not happen here. This is a complete image, not an image with some element that was well executed and drowns out the others. 

Beautifully done. Thanks for posting.

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