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© All rights reserved to Lincy Jarowski

Glowing Cornfield


Used Camera Raw for initial color boost and enhanced image for contrast, sharpening and tone using LAB mode in photoshop.


© All rights reserved to Lincy Jarowski

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This is the first time I am ever requesting a critique and the first time I have

felt I made a photo good enough for a critique. Please be honest and I

would love to hear what you have to say. I really would like to improve.

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When I look at this image my eye follows the leading line of the path between the crops up to the darker trees in the center. The brightness of the sky seems bounds the upper part of the image, keeping my eye on the trees. I like the idea of what you have here - a pleasing landscape - but the sky seems too saturated and it balances with the brightness of the foreground to keep my eye stuck in the middle of the image.


You said that you felt that this was the first image that you felt worthy of requesting a critique on, so think about what you see when you look at it. When I compose a photograph, I try to think of whatever it is that draws me and then emphasis that element as much as possible to the viewer. I consider what other elements are there in addition to that which drew my interest and then I weigh each one to see if it adds or detracts from emphasizing the main interest. If they don't add to the impact, I consider how I could remove them so that there are only elements that add to the impact.


This is a nice view. It's a nice day, plenty of clouds that add interest to the sky, lots of colors, but it seems (to me) that it needs something more. If the crops are the key idea here, try moving in on them to emphasize what it is about them that attracts you. If the sky is the key, try placing the trees at the bottom of the frame so that they provide a sense of place without overwhelming the main idea. If you are interested in a wide, sweeping landscape then look for some way to provide a bit more detail in the foreground, or eliminate the foreground completely.


I think that you're off to a good start here - keep at it! Remember, working more and more is the only way to advance your skills. Keep posting and asking specific questions for critiques (it helps people know what type of comments you are looking for)


- Randy

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I do understand what you are saying. I will use your advice next time. You opened my eyes to something I was missing. I am glad. Thank you for your critique.
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