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© Copyright 2009, Giuseppe Pasquali, All Rights Reserved

Lonesome & Headless - Reflection in a Shop Window - Rome 2009


© Copyright 2009, Giuseppe Pasquali, All Rights Reserved

From the category:

Fine Art

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Very interesting and carefully composed scene, where the array of light bulbs add certain feminine touch to the whole. Well observed and crafted.
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Generally, I am not drawn greatly (in my work or that of others), to work taken in stores of store displays, lights, mannequins etc., but I still take such shots, because they provide fertile material for the photographer -- after all they themselves are created by design professionals in almost all cases and are inherently 'interesting'.


This is a terrific example of where you have taken some things put nearby up high in a shop or store and juxtaposed them, and they have made a very interesting and wonderful design.


As such, it is a charming and graceful shot -- very artful and singular among your works for its approach, and one more way in which you show you are keeping 'fresh'.


Even Cartier-Bresson from time to time took photos of interesting walls and shop windows, so you are in good company.


I looked today at your portfolio and was immediately drawn to this photo for its very nice composition -- its great lines (as well as the 'bulbs' which punctuate the curving lines, which make them most interesting).


There also is the somewhat unobtrusive 'blocks' or rectangulars/squares in this photo for a motif that most will not notice but which is almost necessary as a theme for helping make it more than a simple photo. In fact, without the 'blocks' or 'right angle' structures' I doubt this photo would be complex enough to capture my attention so. (but I doubt many -- perhaps any - would notice them).


I noticed and endorse other comments above, but I do not repeat them here, as they are well taken and do not need repetition.


Thanks for sharing this very nice photo.


Health and hugs.


John (Crosley)

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Hola Giuseppe.


It has an excelent and wonderful composition, the angle of view makes a nice perspective play. Congrats.


This shot jumps out from your portfolio when having a look to see what lost during the time I was working in life things.



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