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A Busy Day In Istanbul


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Nice street shot B.C. I like the way you focused on the man in the trolley car. Are the streets always this crowded? Take care my friend.
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Very lovely photo and indeed a very lovely street, maybe the most beautiful street i have every seen, Istanbul is extraordinarily photogenic, and you have archived a very good photo here. Keep posting my friend. My very best Regards
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Must be rush hour in Istanbul. With a crowd like that I just hop into the Starbucks Coffee shop on the corner and sit it out! Great street shot!!
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For a busy photo this sure works well. I think the green shirt up front helps bring the eye into the picture and adds an element of excitement.
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Wow, I've only been in crowds like this coming out of a concert; holiday celebration...or the airport....but never on 'just a busy day'.....great shot, very colorful, detailed and great perspective. Excellent.....and very 'eye-opening- for me....great shot B.C
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B.C,when viewed larger the details are better. How is the trolley move around amidst such motley crowd in the street?
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B.C nicely done, clever use of the inherent perspective compressing quality of long focal length lenses (telephoto/Zoom) to juxtapose everything on top of each other and give an idea of the large moving crowd and the busyness of this street etc. I think the tram adds a lot to the drama and mood of this shot especially with everything packed on top of each other....well captured. regards



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Guest Guest


Istanbul, one of my Loves ! Istanbul... Congrats !
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Fantastic.  It has to be clicked on and viewed large to appreciate.


My first thoughts where to shallow DOF, but then once clicked, it came to life.  I love how crystal clear the tram driver is, almost like the world is centred around him.

This is one of those photos that should be used to illustrate DOF as you can clearly see the line of focus through the middle of the photo.

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