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© Copyright 2009, Giuseppe Pasquali, All Rights Reserved

Wings - Rome 2009


© Copyright 2009, Giuseppe Pasquali, All Rights Reserved
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this one was shot in a hurry: I had already seen that iron grating on the left lower corner and was thinking about it when the Orthodox Priest came walkin' into the frame. One step back and I shot this one. Thank you again, Giuseppe
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This is a whimsical picture, one that is deceptively charming and elegant at the same time. It seems that with just a tiny hop he could take off and be airborne.
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My first reaction to this photo was like "Oh, he is flying!".

And, now I read Jack saying "he could take off and be airborne"!

Could this impression be due to his silhoutte which resembles rather closely to a flying bird?

In any case, another fine photo from Giuseppe...

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Just entering, before reading the title, I thought he looks like as his whole being is " taking off" in a moment... it is a good timing, the diagonal line of street adds a nice tension to the composition.. Good B/W conversion.
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for your comments and ratings. You are right: it's like he is going to take off (and perhaps he'll fly outside the frame, directly over the colored, fascinating lands of Marc Chagall). Ciao, Giuseppe
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Well composed indeed and very original, tonal quality at its best. Best Regards and Keep posting.
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From the moment I first saw this, I realized that this photo is as near perfection as a photographer of 'street' is likely to achieve.


It has perfect tonality, perfect timing and amazing balance of whites, grays and blacks. Addendum: In addition, its framing is absolutely as near perfection as one could hope for -- look at the framing at the grate at the lower left and the framing around the cassock -- it is a display of amazing skill on the street where such things are almost impossible in split-second shooting.


In other words it is completely harmonious and has earned my highest rating, a 7/7, a rate I almost never give out, even to friends, because I don't give rates for friendship, as my friends know.


I give rates for fine photography only, and for no other reason.


Somehow the shape of this priest's cassock(?) and its blackness create a 'weight' to the right of the frame, and the building to the left, and especially the grate to the left, perfectly counterbalance that weight -- it is just an amazing capture.


It is clear that this photo was taken on the spur of the moment.


I recognize that you are a more shy photographer than I on the street, more rarely but now more frequently incorporating individuals in your captures. Your last really great shot in this series is the fountain Imperiali, in my opinion,another great shot, and a shot for all time, but it depends greatly on architecture, but this shot is purely Pasquali -- without your eye and your sense of precise timing it would never have existed.


In other words, it is yours entirely, and it (as said above) is is as near perfection as one could hope.


It is a photo that one might have expected from any of the great Magnum artists including the great Henri Cartier-Bresson, and that is not just some fancy words of flattery but the absolute truth.


I am stunned by this photo; it is among your best and should be treasured. You should realize that it is a priceless capture and not just some 'witty' piece of fol de rol.


It is pure art with perfect form and balance; I am envious (not jealous).


I should have been so lucky as to have been there to see you make the capture; it called for split second timing -- something I sense you are getting better and better at.






John (Crosley)

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Yes, I agree with John and also with Jack. This photo has something weird and special like all of your best shots.
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Hola Giuseppe.


To much time been away from PN but now I am back to enjoy with your wonderfull shots.


Nice shot of this raven/reverend almost taking off, but the most atractive part I found is that we see only his back going away. Nice bw process.



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This is a great photo, Giuseppe! I am a frequent visitor of your portfolio, and always find something new and interesting. Excellent moment presented on elegant style, bravo! Regards.
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