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© Heider Alward

Interior of Hagia Sofia - Istanbul 2009



© Heider Alward

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What a fun perspective! You have done a great job of using the photographic medium to show us something we don't normally see. Well done!
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142 Frames stitched using PTGui, Producing a 140MP Image. This covers

about 150 Deg. Horizontally and 180 Deg. Vertically using Mercator

Projection. Hand-held Canon 350D was used with 15mm f2.8 Fisheye.

Unfortunately there was some restoration going on which prevented me

from shooting more impressive spaces , and the second issue was the

tourists staring at me and not moving from my view finder all !!!, it

took me 20 mins to capture these! well I know this is not a prefect

photo, but I hope you like the idea. Regards.

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Fantastic Work! The simple colour palette and well balanced lighting really helps bring out the detail. Great composition too, really original and perfect for this subject.
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Hayder, this image is simply amazing. I will soon be uploading my images from Istanbul. Any how it is always a pleasure to see your panoramic work. Congrats.
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Very interesting and wonderful perspective in this image... The colors is just fantastic....


All my best, Jill

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This is also a very good photo.

It is surely worth your efforts.

I especially liked the "metal look" you preferred, which is in direct contrast to the "light" or "new age-like" approach preferred by most for this place.

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I love your treatment and this is your signature look. Very easily identifiable.


Amazing photos. I'm exploring the whole picture for details as you would do in real life if I was there in physically.


Thank you for sharing.





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fantastic image....just amazing the work you go to ...in this process...I commend your tenacity....for it surely is worth it!!! Totally awesome!!! congrats, Gal
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I think your standards are higher than most! I was there almost exactly a year ago and the same scaffolding was in the way although it looks like there is less now. By 2019, it should be gone. Good work. GJ
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