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Life Sustained

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Sonali. beautiful image. You have captured life emerging! Great shades and tones. Best Regards
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Very impressive and unusual composition. Well put together and matted with nice earthy color. Congrats and thank you for all your recent comments and time, rek.
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Such a simple shot but so effective. Many people would walk on by this scene so full credit to your talent for spotting this.....Regards
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I agree with Kieth...you have done a wondeful job finding beauty is something that most would overlook...I really like the way you've isolated this sprout...and how you've captured its reflection...nicely done.
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I just love the dreamy romantic colours surrounding the dead fish, added to the more obvious contrast between the green sprout and the fish. The total effect is mesmerizing. Thanks for your insightful comment on my fish :-)) Toast
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Last weekend I felt relief to see green life emerging as I looked around. Thank you for sharing this and bringing that emotion to mind. Well composed and perfect focus.
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A very sweet image. I love the concept, the tones and colours are used to a great effect and i like the look you have achieved through processing. I was only distracted a little by the leaf on the right as it is still a little prominant. Great work.
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This is lovely Sonali. The little green shoot in the light really speaks to the magic of life. Very nice. All the best.
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Wonderful treatment to this fascinating shot, Sonali. Awesome tonal range. Well done, my friend. Regards, as always, Lawrence.
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