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© billevans 2009

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© billevans 2009

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Many thanks for the compliments on the recent MX pic. Yep that time of year again where you shoot for a day and come up with 1500-2000 shots to sift through and find something appealing. Pretty sure I will be only doing one event this year as it just takes too much time away from home. I was lucky with this latest event as it was in my mum's home town about 300km's north of Melbourne so I stayed with her for a night which was great.


As for Chad, damn I have my fingers, toes and everything crossed he can win this series, as I so much want him to win a series outright against JS7. Hopefully that will shut the naysayers up finally that he is a very special rider.

I am hoping the rumours of him doing the outdoors series instead of coming home are true because I think he can nail JS7 on that one as well.

Guess only time will tell.

Anyway great to hear from you again.


By the way one question.... do you use Lightroom? I have been thinking of using either it or Phase 1 Capture as I run PC's not Mac's.

Any help on this issue would be appreciated.



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Graeme. On the Chad vs. Bubba wars, what I've been hearing is that neither of them is going to run the outdoor series and that would be a shame. I guess I'm old school, but to me its the outdoor series that's the real test of a rider's skills and endurance, and much more exciting for the fans. The outdoor tracks are all different, much longer, carved out of natural terrain with steep uphills and downhills, off-camber turns, every soil imaginable, etc. etc. While SX tracks differ little from one to the other and are all about "rhythm" and frankly, get a little boring after a while. Unfortunately, SX is now where the money is. Sorry for the rant.


I did get Lightroom2 a few months ago and would recommend it to anyone. First, for storage and work flow there is no equal. But right along with that is the fact that the image adjustment features are so good, 90% of the time you'll never need to go to Photoshop or other software. The clarity and vibrance sliders are especially welcome, but get the demo and see for yourself. I think you'll like it.Bill

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Agreed Bill, MX ranks way higher than SX for me so I think it is a shame.

I defintely think that it is more about the battel in MX and SX is more about the luck... but anyway it would be a massive shame to not see either race MX (expecially with Townley also missing who I think is next best MX rider on the planet)...

Thanks for the tips on Lightroom 2. I had the original Lightroom 1 when it was a beta program and loved it so I think I will head down that path. I only lost it when I had a hard drive fail and lost all my programs.

Talk to you soon....

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